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General Discussion \  wow, can't beleive this.

wow, can't beleive this.

General Discussion
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cruznlife1   +1y
yeah I've talked to her friend. I dont know man, she still wants to talk to me, I mentioned it being over, and she's telling me not to talk like that. It's not like she's scared to break it off, she really doesnt seem like she wants to go anywhere. She just wants to go out without any regrets, i've told her I dont like what she's doing but "shes having the time of her life"

whatever, I'm just so confused, I dont knwo what I want. I want HER, I want everything to go back to normal, but I dont think it could ever be normal again with her, and thats what hurts
truckwillscrape   +1y
yah that sucks man i know how you feel i broke up with my ex after 3 years cause it was like she didn't want to be around me any more and i told her to find somebody else and what did she do dated my best friend which really pissed me off

You win some you lose some but you live to see another day
tuckin eh   +1y
this exact same thing happened to me a couple of years ago with my girlfriend. what happened was everything was peachy and saw each other everyday yadda yadda. i started working more and more hours at work. then she became legal drinking age (19 here) and started going downtown to the clubs with all of her friends who all happened to be single. then out of knowhere she's tellin me we need a break and she just needs to try things out on her own for a while but absoloutly does not want to see or date anyone else. and she swore and swore that that was true. as much as I sat at home thinking OMG she's found someone else and or she's slutting it up downtown. I felt like crap and blamed myself for not treating her better and not spending enough time or paying enough attention to her. then she just eventually came around. i never lost total contact with her throughout the ordeal. i just tried to be calm and understanding. there were a few outbreaks where I got frustrated and asked things like "so who is he?" 2 years later we're still together and happily engaged. the whole thing made our relationship stronger IMO cuz we now appreciate each other so much cuz we know what it's like to be without each other. just hang in there, and the key is....if she hasn't given you any reason to not trust her then stop assuming things. just don't lose total contact with her. good luck bro. I sooo know how you feel right now.
itsarealedgeiswear   +1y
I went through the same thing with a 3 year realationship highschool girlfriend and after i graduated, same bullshit with her best friend who wanted her to go off and meet new guys with her, I got tired off her crap where she thought life was supposed to be like dawson's creek, she traveled alot and I started not trusting her then I kept hearing excuses from her so finally I told her she was a waste of my time and that ended it, she later turned into a bitch, then tried to use me as a rebound and now wants to be my friend. I thought I loved but but since then I know that it feels the same with every other girl. She's prob just keeping you around so she will have someone in case her new man dosent work out girls are like and and hell guys are like that, for some reason its always easier to meet someone when your already attached so I say fuck it man kick her to the curb and if she comes back then it was ment to be otherwise dont waste your time.
tiffany   +1y
I confess I have done that before. I was with someone for 4 years. I was so in love. We spent second, minute, hour, day together. We were NEVER apart except when I was at school. I started to hang out with my friend and this guy she was dating and well I was like wow this is fun cause these are new people but I still loved him. I wanted more from him though. He needed a college degree in which he refused to go to school and he needed a better job, he worked at lowes. I wanted us to move out together and get married and just experience life together. But the fact of the matter was that he liked things just the way they were. One night he could tell something was bothering me and there was. It was the fact that he couldnt build a "Serious" life with me. He started to play around and try to wrestle with me (something we always did when one of us was upset to just cheer up and get blow some steam) and I got pissed. We went to "our spot" that we hung out at every Friday night and there I told him that I couldnt be with him anymore. He pleaded with me not to go and that I was making a mistake. He even proposed to me ring and all. I just turned my back and walked away. He thought there was another guy or that I had new friends telling me not to be with him but it wasnt that. Being with my new friends made me realize that I wanted to be with him more and how much I really did love him. But for some reason I didnt feel like I was "enough" for him. We fought alot when we tried to talk for months afterwards. Finally I dated someone else (but still loved him very much deep down) and so did he (one of my good friends) I was a lil pissed and upset but how could I be I was with someone else too so I just decided to forget about my love for him and just be friends. By coincidence he called me the day that my new guy broke up with me and I cried to him. He lended me a shoulder and he talked to me about it all night. I realized what a great friend he was to me then. Unfortunately he told me about a month after that he still loves me and would do anything for me. But he hasnt changed at all. Still works at lowes, hasnt gone back to school, and drinks more than ever and its been 2 years. I care about him but hes only a good friend to me now and he understands that.

IMO dude, try to just let her go and be herself. Let her get it out. If she loves you she will let you know and she will be back. But things will never be the same as they were, probably alot better or alot worse than before if anything. I wouldnt say to wait around though cause it could be a long time. Just regroup yourself and go on about life. Look out for opportunities and take them if they arise. As confusing as this probably is I am really good at giving girl advise so feel free to IM me FLRangerGrl21 anytime. Sorry that you got struck by a stupid girl mistake. Things will get better tho...
wht01ranger   +1y
hang in there bro....just treat her like you used to, if she really loves you she will come arouind and realize what she has is a lifetime, not a one night stand...if she doesn't then i'm sorry, but you could find someone better, because that shit is just wrong

girls do what guys do, except they will reel you in, keep you hanging then leave you....guys just reel it in and let em go hahaha

girls are baaaaaaaaaaad, sometimes
tiffany   +1y

hey my ex reeled me in and left me hanging for over a year and a half. we even lived together and he just booted my ass out. no warning no nothing! stupid ass men, sometimes.
baha   +1y
That sux man, I hope everything works itself out, Ive stayed single off and on for about 2 years now, sometimes I miss it but I usually don't.
scrp1day   +1y
the longer the relationship the more it hurts of course just if you do end up really breaking it off dont call her ever or youll start having dreams about being back together and all the happy stuff and if your with another chick by then youll start to be unhappy with her immeadeatly and then you loose another on ive been there man thers nothing worse than loosing two at once.
cruznlife1   +1y
Last post I promise. Basically it wasnt an ugly break up. Already told her it was over. I'm starting to feel better. It's getting easier. I'm eating again for the first time in honestly 2 day straight. I was starting to get sick. I had a long talk with some close friends, her close friends, parents etc. I basically just wrote her a little email, it's not the anxiety still talking, what we had was good. Basically this last month went to hell fast and thats what led up to this. I basically wrote her how I wouldnt mind exploring other people and expieriances, and would like some time myself. I told her to take however long she wants, and give me a call when she's comfortable. We'll see how we both feel in a month or so. I'm giving it time so I'm not making a quick decision just to feel better. I plan to start talking to people again and hope she does the same. After some time, if it's still "real" for both of us we'll talk about things and see whats going on. Maybe she just wants to get it out of her system, it's all new experiances for her anyways. There are some things I wouldnt mind getting out of my system either. Chances are we're not getting back togehter, but you never know. She basically just replied, thanking me, she loves me and says we'll talk when we're both ready. She thanks me for understanding and says thats exactly what she wanted. She's pretty hardcore honest, and wont hold nothing back to anyone for anything. She swears theres no one else, and I talk to her close friends that I've known longer than she is, and they're all saying there is no one. So, I'm confident she's not cheating. but if she has her eye on someone else I told her to take it. And take as long as she needs. If we were meant to be, we'll know after a bit of time has passed. Gonna live up the bachelor life for now and she knows it. I'm single and am going to take advantage of it.