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General Discussion \  wow, can't beleive this.

wow, can't beleive this.

General Discussion
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replies 53
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daweezi   +1y
glad to hear your situation got resolved for the most part, best of luck to either finding the girl your meant to be with or getting back with the girl your meant to be with, whichever one is the right one i hope you end up with man
tiffany   +1y
sorry it had to happen but seems like you know what the right thing is to do. best of luck!
bodydropped85   +1y
single=more beer money
tiger   +1y
don't drink beer=more truck money
baha   +1y
Sounds like your handling everything pretty well man, theres an old saying that goes If you love something set it free, If it comes back to you then its yours and meant to be. which is what you did, I'm not good with my own relationships, and good at giving advice to others weird but I always have the mind set, what ever happens...happens
cruznlife1   +1y

My thoughts exactly at this point. I'm acting as if I were completely single and so is she. I'm doing basically whatever I want to do, and I hope she is too. We'll see what happens down the road. A couple months from now if we still KNOW we love eachother as much as we THINK we do now, than we'll see what happens
daweezi   +1y
cruznlife1   +1y
well, never thought I'd be typing this. It's true, there was another wang in mind for her, I can't beleive it. Basically heard it from her own mouth when she was talking to someone else that didnt know I was there ((gotta love nextel's))

Apparantly, I'm better in bed than he is, but when I talked to the girl that was talking to her, he doesnt even want her unless he's drunk.

I wrote her a NICE LONG email, explaining how it's over etc....

We still talk, I talk to her like once a week, thats over.
cruznlife1   +1y
Oh and apparantly she's been flirtin with him and kissin him and shit for the past month or so. from what I'm being told it didnt get SEXUAL until like the day me and her broke up, like she just couldnt wait.
daweezi   +1y
sucks to hear that man, good thing its over then, definately not someone you wanna be with in the long run if they were being deceptive