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Mazda Projects \  87 b2k "Blair"

87 b2k "Blair"

Mazda Projects
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teaspoon   +1y
We're not done anything to it lately. It's been too freaking rainy, we've been working, and we moved,'s the first day it's been really nice...and I don't want to take pictures of the trucks just sitting in the DRIVEWAY. *Eyes Leland* Hint. But I also want pictures of me instead >.> *Camera ham mode*
teaspoon   +1y
I'm slowly deciding on a set look for "Blair", I think that's what I'll call her regardless of the design I do on it. ^_^ So, we're gonna go when I get my birthday money from my family and price some paint. I want to do a black with purple glitter as a base, then paint a tribal phoenix in multi pastel colors like teals, blues, greens, pinks, yellows, and oranges. But I don't think I'll be able to afford that. So I think I'm gonna go with a glossy black, then to my phoenix in multi colors. I also thought that after we fixed what was wrong with the clutch, I'd look into some new tires for the ol' girl. My goal at the moment though is to have her repainted BEFORE the next meet we go to, which would be May 11th. I'd also like to find a darker color interior, period, like dark purple or black.
Also, I got a bowl of soapy water and a rag and cleaned up the dash today, finally, lol. The dirt was getting to me, then I cleaned the windows up real nice. I'm liking the idea of doing whatever I want and like to a vehicle, instead of being restricted to what someone else wants for my ride.

<3 Leland!!!!!
Post was last edited on Apr 20, 2011 01:04. This post has been edited 1 times.
teaspoon   +1y
Also!!! We picked up a new grill and center console for my truck from the pull a part the other day. The cashier guy was a DDW!!! Anyways, Leland wrecked my truck back when it snowed in like Jan or Feb, and busted my grill that I liked sooooo much....we found one, so it's being repainted....PURPLE!!!

And also, I'm planning to put in bucket seats instead of my uncomfortable bench seat, cause Leland won't ride with me driving in my truck, he says he gets scrunched up because I'm short. And when I get seats for the truck, I'll get pics of them going in too.
toddluck   +1y
I have a sweet set of grey buckets in the shop tell leland to get his punk ass up here and get them!
91extcab   +1y
um.... i have to go down there to see you todd... lol might have to plan a weekend adventure down there so i can try to talk tavis into some frame work on suki and i could get them then...
toddluck   +1y
you sound like my freekin wife
teaspoon   +1y

Before the Mazda emblem gets repainted. ^_^ It's going black.
toddluck   +1y
looks good love the color
paparoach1983   +1y
looking good.
teaspoon   +1y
Thanks guys. We're supposed to start working on fixing the dings and dents next Wednesday. And I want to photoshop a pic of my truck to give an idea of the paint job that I want to do on it too. =^.^=