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Mazda Projects \  Daily Beater, 89 b22, aka Midori

Daily Beater, 89 b22, aka Midori

Mazda Projects
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91extcab   +1y
well i now have 3 mazdas in my driveway... Cortnye's 87 b2k, my 91 b26i... and my first mazda mini truck is back in my possession. she's a 1989 mazda b2200 that was the first truck/car i paid outright cash for after i got back on my feet the second time when i was about 22... when i first got her she was white, and that didnt last but maybe 2 weeks and i rattle canned her flat black. i tinted the windows, lowered her, and did up my own tail light design to be different... they read "MAZDA" vertically in the tail light... after i sold her, drew, the new owner, and his sister retouched up the flat black, and added a gloss red tribal dragon that starts on the hood, comes down the driver fender and ends on the drivers side of the bed in front of the rear tires. he did some red/black paint in the interior, but it all needs to be touched up, or redone, and im probably going to go with the second option... only plans i have for this truck are to fix it up into a reliable daily runner again, until i can get Suki back on the road...

took the seats out of Suki and put them in Midori for now

toddluck   +1y
nice brutha
91extcab   +1y
ok... so i felt like "fixin" a few things today... pounded out the big dent in the bumper, mounted the plate a little higher than it was, and grinded the tabs so i could swap over my chevy wheels. and i swapped out the broken speedo cable for one that wasnt so broken... oh and i changed the old and busted tailgate out with an old but not so busted silver gate and put in the chrome handle i've been sittin on...

yesterday i cut the exhaust off Suki and bolted it up to Midori with an adapter pipe (1 7/8 id and 2 1/4 id) so it wasnt herra loud when i go to work (damn mville and their "noise ordinance" bs).


toddluck   +1y
91extcab   +1y
so i swung by autozone on my way home from seattle today to have them do a charging system test... voltage regulator failed... so im gettin a new alternator tomorrow... already pulled the old one out so i dont have to pay the core charge... lol
91extcab   +1y
toddluck   +1y
Sux man I have like 6 alts
91extcab   +1y
changed the oil, plugs, cap/rotor, wires, air filter and oil filter today. also added stop leak/stop smoke just to see if it would actually help my morning smoking problem or not... im not bettin on it... lol... also used midori to yank on the front end of suki to pull the driver corner out some...
teaspoon   +1y

Because somebody ain't updated....
91extcab   +1y
i guess i should update...

gave the truck a fresh coat of paint...

since im broke and cant afford multiple or even a single club sticker, and had left over paint from the body line...

cortnye and i took both the running trucks to the july meet and my buddy glen came out too... we was the only b's there

i took the quad grill for the extcab with me to the meet, and the brand new cx-7 mascot that i picked up from the dealership

did little axle notches over the last couple nights

Post was last edited on Jul 18, 2011 06:07. This post has been edited 1 times.