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Mazda Projects \  1988 b2200 $600.00

1988 b2200 $600.00

Mazda Projects
views 7827
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cbegnaud   +1y
well as i said in my welcom page it has been decades since i was in the mini b scene. alot has changed.

well to start with i purchased this truck from a friend of mine whom owns a used car lot he took it in as a trade and couldn't drive it out the lot because it sat too low. so i offered him 600.

what i have done so far is strip the interior and pressure washed everything , fixed the hack job wiring ( previouse owner swapped ignition and had a paper clip jumping the started wire

i am currently molding the rear bumper cover in and fixing all of the dents and dings and repairing the tail gate from the previouse hack job.

missing the pass side torsion bar , it currently has no front suspension besides the air in the tires. i plan on putting the torsions back in and raising it slightly and installing some modefied air shocks drilled out to accept 1/2 line ( for all the young folks out there this is how we did it back in the 80 befor air bag technology was prominent.

i will mainly be using the truck as a TRUCK to haul stuff and move stuff. so it will be no show truck but it will be simple clean and a means to occupy my spare time and money.

so far i have cleaned the interior "smells much better" i have installed a new head unit and two mtx 8" subs in a vented box and a small 200 watt amp tweets in the dash and some nice little 4" under the dash it sounds good enough for now. by the way i am 6'2" so i may deepen the back wall down the road, i plan on keeping the bench seat or swapping an extended cab onto the frame.

i have three kids so they like to ride with me sometimes.
ok onto the picks.

ok this is pretty much how she looked when purchased minus the bare spots i sanded to get to the rust.

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well i went to the pull apart today and scored some major parts grand total of $32.00

scored a 4runner bumper minus the turn signals.

and four chrome center cap mazda covers.

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well i lan on painting in the next few weeks i start a new job on the 18 that is 9-5 and weekend and holidays off so i should have a lot more free time.

by the way i am located in middle, ga area Macon to be specific so if anyone is out this way hit me up.
or if you see this red smoking , and i mean smoking, beast on the road stop me.
the engine runs great at the moment but planning a rebuild maybe over the winter. and a weber install coming soon and other goodies.
cbegnaud   +1y
will post some more pics later tonight.
great to be back in the scene getting excited.
toddluck   +1y
Welcome to the scene good score for 6 bills
cbegnaud   +1y
well here some more pics. this is of the molded in rear valance.
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and the finishing touches on my factory chrome wheels. i scored all four for a buck a piece. ( center caps)
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johnnydigits   +1y
Looks cool. I remeber the ole air shock thing, oh how things have changed since those days. nice score at the yard for only 30+ bucks.Project looks good. Keep up the pics and work.
cbegnaud   +1y
i will try to do a write up when i modefy the airshocks some good old school tech.
but i have to say my aluminum lowering blocks are alot better than my custom oak blocks i made back in 1989. thogh they did last for over 3 years.
cbegnaud   +1y
well started to paint the truck today but seems every damb time i start painting it suddenly rains.

i am painting the truck with rustoleum saftey red same as my car. mixed 60/40 paint to mineral spirits.

i lightly sprayed the underside of the hood and started jaming the truck then the rain started. so this is what i have so far.

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cbegnaud   +1y
i will spray 2 more full coats over everything then wet sand and the a light coat then let it dry for 1 week then wet sand and buff.
turns out pretty good for me here is what my tercel turned out when i was done.

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cbegnaud   +1y
well did not have to go into work today till 2pm so i sprayed the truck last night this is the first full coat.
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probably going to remove everything, weatherstripping and all and wet sand and giv it a good coat i have some sanding marks on the bed but i should be able to get rid of them after a wetsanding.

so far including purchasing truck i have about
$800.00 into it.
lilmazda88   +1y
that just spray can....?