Who on here has put the step side bed? I am looking at buying one and want to know if it's easy or not to put on? I know the fuel door is on the wrong side but that can't be to hard to fix, right??
The outer skin is fiberglass but the inside and the frame is all metal. The outer skins bolt to the metal frame. The bed has 6 mounting points, the easiest way I would think is to fabricate some metal brackets so you can bolt on the bed like it did on the Ranger frame.
ok, doesn't sound to horribly hard. When I tapped on the side panels with my hand to check for bad fiberglass it sounded like it was metal not fiberglass. Did Ford make metal sided stepside beds? or was it just echoing make it sound different?
For the newer Mazda B Series Bed let me know if you are interested, I have one I'm trying to sell complete with the tailgate and tail lights. It's all metal though, no fiberglass.
there is one in a jy in Des Moines for $400. its in awesome shape, has been in the jy for a long time but on positive not this jy doesn't smash whole vehicles, woo!