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Mazda Projects \  3" Drop Blocks & Pinion Angle questions..

3" Drop Blocks & Pinion Angle questions..

Mazda Projects
views 6563
replies 26
following 11
zackarytucker87   +1y
I am wanting to do a static drop on my 2200 with 3" blocks. I've heard the horror stories of people destroying their U-joints and what not. Could i lower the front and back 3" and the pinion angle remain the same? Is the pinion angle really not an issue? If it is what degree angle shims are recommended? My truck is currently 3" front and 6" back, tire to fender. Wanting to do 3" and 3" or (0,1,2)" and 3".
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xxchromeghostxx   +1y
ss would be after lowering it if you're worried about it, go get it aligned, then find a driveshaft shop round you, they will be able help you out there. but i think if you keep the truck level dropped, meaning from stock heights to the same height all way around just lowered exactly ll way around then you shouldn't have an issue, but if you raise or lower the front/rear seperately then you may run into issues.

This is my two cents, my truck is dropped static and evenly all the way around and no driveshaft issues.
h2omelon(nick)   +1y
You can buy blocks that are angled for pinion correction. I use them on my daily and have never had any trouble.
fdugn545   +1y
I have 4 inch blocks and I'm monoleafd in the rear and I have 4 "clicks" on the torsions. I have zero problems with pinion angle I do however have troubles getting over certain bumps in the road... I have absolutely no noise or chatter (except when my tires are too worn... Damn camber, lol) I think like said above that if u Lower the whole truck level u shouldn't have a problem...


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jiffyzx6   +1y
I mono leafed mine with 3" angled blocks and adjusted the front to level it out, just swapped beds and looking at everything there's no issues. I think the key thing is to make sure you get the angled blocks and level the front and you'll have no issues, i removed my bump stops and have plenty of clearance just can't haul much.
xxchromeghostxx   +1y
So seems like an even drop all way around, an get ya some angled drop blocks im assuming what they are meaning by this sorry if i'm wrong. but you will be good, i'm not monoleafed i have all my leafsprings, no offense to anyone on here just not my style i don't wanna take that risk of the monoleaf breaking and ouch there ya go lol, Also not sure what type rims/tires you're running but most of the people on here with camber issues have escalade rims on their B's just pointing out, if you have the stock 14's i believe? not sure but i'm running 14" nissan hardbodies and I have no camber issues with my drop, or it just may be i'm not dropped enough to start cambering my wheels. but good luck!
xxchromeghostxx   +1y
So seems like an even drop all way around, an get ya some angled drop blocks im assuming what they are meaning by this sorry if i'm wrong. but you will be good, i'm not monoleafed i have all my leafsprings, no offense to anyone on here just not my style i don't wanna take that risk of the monoleaf breaking and ouch there ya go lol, Also not sure what type rims/tires you're running but most of the people on here with camber issues have escalade rims on their B's just pointing out, if you have the stock 14's i believe? not sure but i'm running 14" nissan hardbodies and I have no camber issues with my drop, or it just may be i'm not dropped enough to start cambering my wheels. but good luck!
fdugn545   +1y
Mine used to have all the leaf springs and not as low in front but... I needed MOAR LOW!!! lol

(Sorry short thread jack...)

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zackarytucker87   +1y
Thanks people. I'll do regular 3" blocks and get shims if i start shaking at 75mph. If this is actually what you're telling me not to do please say so. I am notorious for mis-understandings..
crazy tarzan   +1y
pinion angle is affected by the change in orientation of the rear drive shaft vs the differential and transmission. 3" should be ok, on jeeps (90's and up at least) up to about 3" of lift is ok, beyond that it begins to cause vibrations in the driveline, and transfer case drops of about an inch or two are required unless you tilt the differential up to compensate.

That said dropping could be considered lifting in reverse. If your driveshaft is more towards level you shouldn't have any problems--remember they were engineered to have some drop in the bed and still work for hauling loads.

It should also not matter if you drop the front the same as the back--they are not connected (unless your dropping a 4x4), hence the front won't affect the drive shaft angle, and you would never be able to achieve the 'raked' look other wise.

And I've seen numerous mini trucks that apparently it was really easy to drop the back (or break as may be), not so much the front. Always wondered if the felt 'lighter' going down the highway like that. . .