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Mazda Engine General \  serious issues................. with people

serious issues................. with people

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 10065
replies 45
following 26
jomurra   +1y
PM sent.
this would be awesome.
gregfarz78   +1y
can anyone rehost this file pretty please?
midnightmike   +1y
all pm's have been sent emails

if you havent gotten an email from dropbox then check your junk mail
if still nothing, then you didnt send me your email address, which means you didnt read through the thread telling you what needed to be done to get a copy

condogcu   +1y
I'm looking for a shop manual for a b2200, badged Ford Courier 2.2L (Oz). Any help would be greatly appreciated. problems with the carb and auto choke.
midnightmike   +1y
ok, theres something i need to get off my chest, its been bugging me since i offered to hand out the shop manual

to the people who haven't gotten an email with the link to drop box... take this food for thought
you didn't get one because you are NOT an active member
for the last couple months ive been getting PM's from people i have never seen before, then i got suspicious, so i started investigating and it turns out that im getting PM's from people who have joined the mazdabscene that same day, with no posts and haven't even come back to the site since then, and this has been going on for a while, i check to see once in a while if the user has visited the site since the day of the PM and most of them have not, the ones that do come back, still havent posted, and others have posts, but only 1 usually asking for quick help

i have no problem helping out another member of the site, but i am not going to be taken advantage of, i actually paid money for this and im giving it away for free, so if this is the first time you've been on this site looking to get a copy of the manual and have to register to send me a PM asking for it? dont bother, hit that back button in the top left corner, or make yourself an active member, and those who have been registered but have little to no posts? your NOT an active member in my opinion, so do something about it, alot of members consider other members family here, family doesn't screw family

so for the people are new, you're Shit Out Of Luck
for the people are active members and havent got it yet send me PM im sure the original one was lost somewhere in all the pm's i got

*end rant*
axel breaker earl   +1y
Hey, I can totally understand that. Stick around and contribute to the forum and then maybe it will be there for you. Plus, there are always the real BOOKS for sale on Ebay usually.
I am amazed how many people will try to work on a vehicle that they do not know and never spend a few dollars on a Haynes or Chiltons manual before they dig into it........a certain B2200 block I rebuilt for a MT member comes to mind.......they tried to rebuild the engine and had the thrust bearing in the #1 main CAP!!! After firing it up and letting it run for a bit, they had wound up with a 1/4" end play on the crank, and a bunch of aluminum tangled up in the oil pickup tube strainer........wanna see some pics?
baha   +1y
I want to see some pics!
baha   +1y
That's really cool of you to do Mike, that's the main reason I created the site is for people to help each other out.
axel breaker earl   +1y

OK! You asked for it!!

Pardon the off-topic post here Mike!

They used a tad too much silicone on the pan!

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NEVER use silicone on the oil pick-up to oil pump connection....just use the paper gasket dry, like the factory did!

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I didn't even know the thrust bearing would go on the #1 main cap!!

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It is supposed to go in the #3 main location and in the BLOCK SIDE! But you can see they have a regular bearing half in there.

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A good look at the 1 cap and the thrust bearing that ISN'T supposed to be there!

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Not much "thrust material" left on it!

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This all turned the oil pump backing plate into a "Thrust" oil pump!

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This kinda sealed the fate of their new bearings also...

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Aahhh, beautiful!

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After rebuilding it correctly, she turned out much better off!

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mazda-man   +1y
Sent P.M. Thanks Man!!