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Mazda Projects \  Turbo Rotary B2600i

Turbo Rotary B2600i

Mazda Projects
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mymmeryloss   +1y

Yes i am being crazy picky. I have high expectations for this truck so its gotta be perfect considering the limited tools i have.

Im not starting completely over. Just a few things needed tweaking.
mymmeryloss   +1y

I know ivd said it a lot but ill say it again.

I learned to weld on this truck. I have gotten a lot better and finally consider myself proficient.

That being said-- the cab had been cut into on the firewall 3 times so it wasnt straight and was very warped. The rear cab wall had been redone numerous times also and i still wasnt pleased with it. I love the 4 runner rear window so the new cab will be getting one but it will be done better as well as a few other 4 runner bits but no caddy lights. Sorry emjay.

Also the cab had been bodydropped twice. The first time was to the rocker and then i doored it. Then after i doored it i built a new cab floor and had no idea what i was doing. So i cut it out and built another with nice beadrolled Chris Alston Chassisworks floor panels and wasnt happy with the fitment and also knowing that the cab just isnt quite square anymore. My fender gaps are off a little. Its not enough to be a big deal to most. They would say its a doored truck the bodylines arent going to be perfect. Well they are on my truck.

So im starting over on the cab. Ive already cut off the rockers and plated them with 3/16" and also cut out the firewall. Im making progress on the days i can get in the garage and im also buying better tools.

I just ordered the eastwood tig/plasma combo so no more cutting everything with a 4 1/2" grinder. Im also going to get a tubing notcher and some other things.

Im hoping to have the cab on the frame this week and get busy on finishing the modifications to the bed soon also.

Winter normally hinders my movement in the garage but imma give it hell this year. Unfortunately i think we r going to have a shitty winter but ill try and keep this updated!
lowlyfe   +1y
Good for you. I just saw the eastwood tig/plasma combo today, thats badass.
Its too bad you dont have a good friend who can help out when your working on it, a little help goes a long way on big projects... Also what are you using for heat in the garage? Ive got a small propane fan heater that makes ya sweat after 20 minutes so I shut it off and then it gets cold really fast so im constantly messing with it. Id build a double barrel wood stove but space is limited and having natural gas run into the garage from the house wouldnt be very cheap either.
mymmeryloss   +1y

The thing with my friends is not that they arent willing to help but more so that i hate asking for help. They all have families as do i and they all work in the oilfield like myself and work ridiculous hours. I have a couple friends that will come over at the drop of a hat whenever im desperate enough to ask for help.

As for heat i have a space heater that works well. The biggest problem is my lighting, or lack thereof lol.

Needless to say if i wasnt so picky this truck wouldve been done years ago lol
lowlyfe83   +1y
Lighting is cheap and easy. I got 10, plug-in 4 foot shop lights in my garage, cost $10 per housing and a package of 10 bulbs cost $35 at home depot. Less than $200 and your garage will light up like the sun
robzilla   +1y
Nice project. Just read through the entire thread. Somehow i missed this over the past year and a half. Keep up the good work!!!
mymmeryloss   +1y

Thanks. Its been slow going lately. Been workin way too damn much lol.

But hoping to get it presentable by spring
robzilla   +1y
That's how projects go, don't let it get you down. Gotta pay the bills!

You are doing pretty good as far as getting things done. I have had my mazda for 4 years and I'm finally getting it running. I have a bagged civic that I started some changes 5 years ago and haven't finished. Sometimes life gets in the way. There's always people here to help motivate!!!!
mymmeryloss   +1y

Ya not worried about it at all. Ive had this truck for damn near 10 years and only had it on the road for maybe 3 lol.

mymmeryloss   +1y
Wheels and control arms mounted back up! Welded in new control arm spacers!

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Decided to run a bigger bag up front for more lift. Slam Specialties RE7's will be used. Good thing i had these just laying around.

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Mocking up the new upper bag plate. This should do the trick.

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Hopefully get the front end done by this weekend and move onto something else.