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Mazda Projects \  Turbo Rotary B2600i

Turbo Rotary B2600i

Mazda Projects
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mymmeryloss   +1y
Hopefully have updates soon...
mymmeryloss   +1y
loooong time ad no updates-- well my friends, the wait is over!

i have sold the rx7 and the b2200 is supposed to be gone sometime today!

i went to denver with a wad of cash yesterday and got some long awaited parts!

ill start the updates in order of how i got them, since i have kinda been holding out on u guys for one big update!

here we go...

this doesnt really have anything to do with my build, but in a way it does i guess.

i got a shed s i can get all of the unnecesary junk out of my garage and give myself more room to work...

all loaded up from the house i got it from. what a pain in the ass.

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this is what we found underneath... thats gotta be healthy.

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so ya gotta get the shed off of the trailer, and this shed is f***ing huge and there was no way to carry it by hand, and i needed it in the back yard, so i grabbed a crane from work to make life easier...

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the looks we got from the neighbors and the amount of random cars that drove by was hilaious...

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so i got the shed set in the back yard and started getting stuff out of the garage.

down to one truck and room to work now.

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ordered a little part that any quality build needs...

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tial BOV

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then i ordered my aluminum spool gun so i can weld my intercooler piping together, but it hasnt arrived yet. still need to get a bottle of argon also... will get pics of that when it arrives!

so i was saying i went to denver yesterday...

i got a line on some parts off craigslist, so i texted the guy and we got some stuff figured out. this was on thursday. i decided that i couldnt take a chance on someone else getting this stuff, so i blasted up to denver yesterday with a bit of money to get some stuff i just couldnt pass up!

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all the way to denver(8 hours round trip) for an s5 center iron and FD ignitors and an AEM ems u say? doesnt seem like a worthwhile trip u say?

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stock port clean s5 center iron...

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your still thinking that thats a long ways to drive for a standalone and a few other measly parts that couldve been shipped arent u?

well then...
34k mile 13b re from a 94 FD rx7.

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the plan is to tear this engine apart since it was known to run ad compression checked great! the s5 center iron will go on the re engine so i can use the mounts i had fabbed up for the engine thats in the truck. then it will be polished out and painted and then assembled and wired up!

just need to get a few other things and then start building my harness and all that fun stuff.

since i have room in the garage now, i will be pulling the cab foir final welding and also workin on the new bed and getting everything buttoned up. looks like i might actually be close to firing this thing up before the end of summer if all goes well!

keep ur fingers crossed!!!
thafox   +1y
good luck for sure on that teardown man....i've bought 2 complete rew's for 1k and both of 'em had bad front housing and kinda chewed up front rotor, but at least i've got 6 good iron's, 1 good complete balance and a good pair of housings, o well that's the name of the game, cant wait to see some vid's of yours running tho
mtrain   +1y
Looking good!

Glad to see you now have more space.

My father and one of his buddies got the Wankel engine bug, and started playing with those things.

He built some kind of milling machine out of a manhole cover, and used it to resurface the plates.

At one time there were over 20 rotary engines laying around the shop.
90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
any updates?
mtrain   +1y
Any more updates?
mymmeryloss   +1y
alright well i finally got some free time on a very shitty windy day and got my internet on my computer working again...

so heres some updates from the last few weeks or so!

so i wanted to start working on sheeting in my new bed and getting it ready for primer and such, so i made sure i still knew how to weld, and cut out the existing usable stuff from the broken bed and started putting together my new bed.

i must say how much better i get at fabrication every year and this bed floor and other things i build this summer are going to be better thought out and super sick!

heres what i started with on the old bed

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all cut out. this bed is pretty much just trash now. will be going to the scra yard for beer money!

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i had gotten these sheetmetal side filler pieces for free and so i decided i was going to use them for extra strength and to give me something more to weld to on the bedsides...

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they will need some trimming to fit my wheels, but this gives a good idea for now...

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will be keeping the majority of the stock bedfloor, but will have to raise it a bit for the bodydrop. my last bed lacked a lot of structural support thus the reason for the stock floor to stay...

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the messy garage was bothering me. i got a shed for a reason...

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my welder was giving me fits. i was really out of practice, and forgot how to fine tune. but i got it figured out using the side sheet as practice lol.

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i was bustin ass on the truck and the neighbor kids showed up... they wanted to chill in my truck. figured it was fine and they would get out after ten minutes or so. they sat in there for almost an hour. they kept calling my shifter a dong...

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doin work! tacked in and level...

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finding salvageable 1x1 square tubing from the previous bed floor to reuse for the new floor. turns out that i changed my bracing plans, so a lot of this is scrap now...

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got some brand new pieces of 1x1 to start. made everything level and tacked it up

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both sides tacked in and level

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really sorry for the shitty blurry pics, but i get in a groove and dont take the best pics lol. ur lucky u guys even get pics at all of some of this stuff...

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bracing it in. this will also hold my fuel cell and i have some other surprises to come later..

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new tail light fillers will be going on soon!

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this shit is solid, and im not even done bracing it yet...

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getting some vertical support for the rear. will gusset this later after i move the floor up. the back will be a storage compartment. more on that later...

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test fit...

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well, i needed to get the trashed bed off, but all my friends have moved away or dont have time to help out or whatever, so i just decided to hack the bed into pieces so i could remove it...

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heres the bedsides hacked off lol

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front of old bed

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the rear after i cut out the existing roll pan and tailgate delete. not sure if imma use this or run a tailgate as of yet, but im leaning towards a tailgate but cant find one in good shape to save my life...

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my tail light fillers. these are shitty, but i wasnt gonna pay $180 for the good ones. i can make these work. just have to add a few body lines in to them...

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the skin on the new bed. doubt imma use this. kinda sad that this will prolly just go in the trash...

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a shot of the garage...

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picked up some new tools. heres my new 1 ton cherry picker.

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picked this compressor and hose up off the street corner for $100. cambell hausfeld ftw!!!!

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then my blurry box showed up from summit.

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my ridiculously overpriced mounting brackets for my fuel cell. if i wouldve known this was all there was then i would have made my own brackets... what a joke. and this picture makes my carpet look hella dirty. wtf? lol

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now i just need some fitting and to run new fuel lines and get a bigger fuel pump!

im hoping to get out in the garage tomorrow and get some more welding done so i can get the bed on the frame and start body dropping it and get the cab off to be fully welded also. this thing is really close to being able to be started. once i get fuel then i can hook up some wiring and a battery and see if this engine runs!

other than that, its just a lot of welding and hopefully one day i can splurge and buy a tank of argon so i can get going on my intercooler piping.

i will be on the look out for a new tailgate and a rear bumper since i think i wanna run a rear bumper. been thinking of running a 4runner rear bumper and welding it in smooth to the rear end, but i havent compared the body lines and such to see how much work it would actually be. so his may not happen, as i just want to be done fabbing on this truck and get it running!

im excited i can finally start using air tools, so that should help a bit.

thats it for now, but i will hopefully keep this updated more now that its summer and my computer works again...
jenko   +1y
top update!
looks like you're chopping along nicely!
iizuka   +1y
Looking good man!
antneee   +1y
love this build!!