yeah cj, a hella good deal.
35k on the chassis, 200 miles on the engine, shredded interior, and poorly neglected. i've got about $2000 that needs to be spent.
i got it for $2600.
i consider it a deal. i paid $4300 for my 96 in 01. i figure i sell them both when they're ripe, i'll be able to make a downpayment on an '03 x-cab 4.0L that i can then bag. and then maybe i'll get a scion.
as for having two rangers... well, i know mine inside and out. and i fell in love with it. now all my money (well, most) goes to it. i'm happy to say after i get the springs in, the notch in, the shifter cut and t-5'd, the new bumper & valance on with the fog lights (#1 problem), and painted, she'll be done.
then the 01 gets 4.0'd, and supercharged.