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Ranger Engine \  movin the battery to the bed

movin the battery to the bed

Ranger Engine Ranger Tech
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i h8 hites   +1y
sorry if thsi is in the wrong topic but i did not know where to put it. i was wondering what yall did with ur battery when u layed ur truck out. i'm plannin on movin my computer box up to the battery location, but i got to move it first. if anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated. peace
baha   +1y
Ive never done this mod but I'm pretty sure all you do is ground the new battery to the frame and extend the positive cable to the new battery location and cover it in wire loom also to protect it. I'll show this to fakeedge hes the only person I know of that has done this good luck!
nickf829   +1y
nothin too it, run a ground strap off the frame near where you plan to mount your battery, then extend the positive wires taht used to connect to your battery, and just run them back.. use a heavier gauge wire though, i went overkill and ran 0 gauge all the way back, never hurts to overdo it.. i think ebay sells "battery relocation" kits though for cheap so good luck
itsarealedgeiswear   +1y
What year is your truck, my roomates 89 had the battery on the passenger side and it didnt interfer with it laid out on 18s.
But on his 92 we moved it in the bed cause he wanted it back there. We used a typical plastic battery box from the part store it was about 20 bucks, and a few new battery terminals and went home depot and got some stranded 2/0 copper wire with a THHN Jacket, it has a good coating that resists alot of heat and sunlight and gas but yea the ground just goes to a clean spot on the frame with terminal that has a large hole on it.
Run the positive up front to where the old battery terminal was and cut that terminal off and put both of them in some sort of large wire coupling they got one called a polaris lug that has some No-Lox inside of it to prevent the wires from corrouding inside the lug.
Then just wrap it up with lots of electrical tape and go from there, I have know some people to use some of the streetwires battery termial boxes where you can branch off with several diffent wires, you might want to do something like that if your trying to show it off.
bodydropped85   +1y
yea on my 85 i moved mine down adn forward. cut the battery tray off the core support and make a 1x1 tray for it to be welded on.
i h8 hites   +1y
thanks guys, i was also wondering when u moved the positive cable to the bed if u had to run all the power wires for ur truck, like compressor, amp, radio, foglights. my boy said something bout a distributor block then run that to the power side of the new battery. not sure tho thanks fellas
reflectorcollectin_ranger   +1y
i cut out my battery tray and put it length ways along the rad. support, instead of being vertical to it.
infernoford   +1y
Also, when you relocate your battery make sure that you have good ground strap or two from the block to the frame. A bad ground strap can give you some very weird electrical problems (i.e. Hit the brakes and the wipers turn on. I've seen it happen.)
itsarealedgeiswear   +1y
Yeah we had the ground on the engine block loose on our chevy work truck and that made the A/C controls and the radio not work and it got stuck on heat on high fan in the middle of the summer. Those were some bad times.
i h8 hites   +1y
i appreciate the help fellas, fake ur ranger is sick as hell man i love it