all fusor is is panel bond. the shit is dam tought, i would trimp the pan back to fit flush w/ the bedsides and weld a lip to the inside of it like your makeing it a bolton pan, grind all the paint off the part were ur going to bond it also. use a generouis amount of panel bond(fusor or whatever) inbetween the bedside adn the roll pan. u HAVE to clamp it and let it sit for atleast 24 hours to fully cure. i would then go over it w/ at least 3 layers of thick fiberglass matt(availble at your local lowes/home(minitruck)depot) on the back side. use duraglass(fiberglass bondo) as your first 2 coats of plastic on the front then skim it block it prime it block it prime it skuff it paint it .