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Ranger Exterior \  shaved door questions

shaved door questions

Ranger Exterior Ranger Tech
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tiger   +1y
I just got my shaved door kit, I'm having a bit of a problem finding a spot to mount the solenoid. How strudily does it have to be mounted? The only spot I can find with enough room puts the mount right over the vent on the side of the door.

Also, I couldn't figure out what wires triggered the door locks at the switch. I was using a seperate battery to test, should I reprobe using the truck battery? Or does anyone happen to know off hand if the locks are positive or negative triggered?
xxxxcjxxxx   +1y
nice post... havnt looked at how i planned to install my kit i have laying around yet but this will help my questions
snooptodd   +1y
the door locks should be (-) trigger. door lock = pink/yellow, door unlock = pink/light green. I used aftermarket door lock actuators wired to my alarm. I mounted them to the inner door skin towards the botton and used the factory door latch rod.
baha   +1y
hey Tiger you have the auto loc kit right? don't mount it on the side of the door you need to mount it horizontal, I mounted mine on the bottom of the door, and made cable stops for the cable to work with it going through a 90 degree turn, I can make some for you if you want I still have the parts to make them

you could also mount them inside the cab but you will have to get a longer cable, and cable jacket (which you should be able to get at any bike store)
scrp1day   +1y
hey baha i need to remount my solenoids how much for those mounts and can you get some pics of how they are supposed to be mount cuz im semi confused ill post pics, of how they are mounted now, tommorow
tiger   +1y

Yeah, I remembered after I posted that I needed to mount them horzontal. The kit came with cable guides, I'mma try those to get my 90, I might have some stuff around to get them to work. If not, I'll let you know, I'm looking to do it this weekend.....
baha   +1y
That's cool, I'll take some pics of how mine are mounted this weekend and post them hopefully it will help.

Do you have any pictures of the cable guides?

Scrp1Day: Yea sure man I can make them for you, let me make sure I still have the materials, I'm going by my parents house this weekend.
tiger   +1y
The cable guide is just a stiff cable jacket...I mistakenly thought it was 'bendable' to go around corners. Although I can probably make a quick metal bracket to hold the cable guide in a 90. I've also got a lot of bike parts laying around....I tend to cut bikes down and turn them into cruisers.

Pics are always welcome.
scrp1day   +1y
thanks baha let me know about cost and all that. and the pics would be awseome!
baha   +1y

Do you have any pics of what your calling the cable guides? I'm confused