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Ranger Audio/Interior \  What makes noise in your truck?

What makes noise in your truck?

Ranger Audio/Interior Ranger Tech
views 6115
replies 31
following 9
daweezi   +1y

im pretty sure he wrapped it in suede
tiger   +1y
daweezi is's faux suede cause the real stuff is like really expensive., lol.

I ran out of the material so no nothing more for now, and it's a 'winter fabric', hard to find this time of year, but next year i'll get some more and hopfully do the rest of the interior.

I'm planning on eventually making my own custom dash, so i'm kinda leary of using the material on a dash i'm gonna rip out anyway.
spngr311   +1y

That's the same stuff my g/f made my seat covers out of and what I used to carpet my box. Man, what a PITA it was to use that stuff! It wraps well, but is not fun for carpeting boxes with.
daweezi   +1y
yea i plan on doing a suede headliner whenever i get done with most of the exterior stuff
xxxxcjxxxx   +1y
that stuff has such a good textured look to it in the photo's... i think my interior is about done for a while once i finish all the stuff i just repainted Gunmetal.. Ill get finished pics up here in the next few days once my clear dry's on the Xploder Concolse pieces.
spngr311   +1y
Here's the pic of my sub box. Please disregard the mess as I haven't had a chance to clean it.

And here's the console (sorry it's so dark):

xxxxcjxxxx   +1y
looks pretty good.. i used to have a 15" Kicker L7 that was just insane in its 4.5ft3 slotported box... let me find a pic:

robert0035   +1y
heres mine:

Alpine 7892 headunit
Alpine v-power 250 watt amp for mids/hi's
Alpine type s componet set
2) 10" mtx thunder sub
Mtx 282 280 watt 2 channel amp
Street wires cap
All street wires wirind
Optima red top

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daweezi   +1y
that looks sweet robert, next time i see ya ill have to actually hear it in person
itsarealedgeiswear   +1y
manual fold out 7inch monitor

Just got one of these put in new Ford 6-disc Mp3

thread post photo

A db drive 10 in some cheap-ass box

A amp wal-mart had on sale

The KUSTOM Install that all the circuit city boys were geeking over

And a dvd player so hidden that I didnt even take a pic of it.