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itsarealedgeiswear   +1y
At least im not takeing a bronco 2 apart for the past 5 years.
itsarealedgeiswear   +1y
yeah I think it was Tiger, he did the painted mod first so im sure he was on top of this first, Dugan is a copycat
jackedup99   +1y
bronco 2?

isnt that what oj simpson drove?
jackedup99   +1y
tiger is the shit

one of the few guys i know that trys to be orignal

then guys like us copy him and take full credit

man, im pimp
itsarealedgeiswear   +1y
fuck yeah you are, I wish I was cool like him, all I do is import costly parts from other countrys and then try to help others just to get the shaft when people dont acknowledge my help to the ranger community, I should of just been selfish and told everyone to fuck off and I made them myself out of ziplock bags and s10 headlights
jackedup99   +1y
i thought about reskining my truck as an s10

but then i thought it would be easier to buy an s10 and claim it started as a ranger
itsarealedgeiswear   +1y
s10s are fucking sweet, cept everybody has one, except in GA everyone has a shitty ranger.
jackedup99   +1y
shit, and theres this asswhole that has like 2 and a half or something

fucker needs to finish them
itsarealedgeiswear   +1y
fuck yeah he does I wish he would get all his parts first. and hes selling everydam thing off one like a cheapass
jackedup99   +1y
that fuckhead in brazil needs to hurry up on those parts

lets go smuggle drugs

still pissed my headlights didnt come with drugs