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Max Engine \  Weber conversion

Weber conversion

Max Engine Max Tech
views 6857
replies 14
following 6
greenteagod   +1y
In searching through the forums I see a about half the posts regarding the weber kit are people selling them. The others are people asking to hook them up. I'm wondering what the actual benefits of going to the weber kit are.

Is it just reliability by going to a less "over-engineered" system, or are there actual efficiency gains? I'm not concerned with power as the stock setup on my 2.6 moves all the stuff I need to move, but if it happens to increase MPG, I'm all for that. Does anyone have some real world gains they're seeing from converting over?
judgejoe   +1y
speaking for someone who just did the conversion,
I can say that for my truck it was a world of diffrence. Not only does the weber conversion free you from a bunch of vaccum lines but for me it increased my power and mileage. I used the dgev model ofr my truck 1988 d50 power ram 2.6
greenteagod   +1y
Excellent. Thank you for the info Judge. Do you happen to have any numbers on what type of mpg you're seeing now vs before? Just curious.
medevack1   +1y
i just got a 1989 D50 2.6 and i noticed it has a NEW weber 32/36 carb some of vacum lines are open and right now it runs like doodoo... besides the vacum advancer what other vacum lines do i need to hook up or cap off?
droppedmitsu   +1y
The only vacuum line the Webers use is the vacuum advance, which I believe should go somewhere on the drivers side of the carb. All other lines can be removed/plugged. You might have to adjust the air-fuel mixture and idle screw to get it running in top shape. Search the internet for how to properly do that.
dale   +1y
My 87 2.6 4x4 has a weber not sure what size but when i get to bout 35 it starts cutin out like its runin outta gas what causes that
medevack1   +1y

i might be worng but check your secondary jet it might be clogged thats what mine is doing too, but mine only happens when i floor it. this weekend im taking the weber apart and cleaning it completely.
dale   +1y
K thanks
medevack1   +1y
Dale any progress on the carb? i took mine appart and noticed that on the top there is a V shaped part where the fuel comes out to the carb and is only one hole that squirts fuel to the primary and it was covered in carbon but the second opening was clean almost new.... is there supposed to be 2 holes in that part.... ?
dale   +1y
Not sure and i aint had a chance to fool with mine yet post some pics of that if possable