Thats cool, Its almost embarassing to tell stories like that, but thats how I got the setup in the picture I posted. Its been a good number of years back but a friend of a friend had bought an 81 Toy 4x4 with the dual carb setup, the engine was pretty tired and the carbs were totally untuned, he bought a different engine to install and wanted to sell the leftovers.
I went over to see what he was selling and right off noticed the carb set, at the time I really didn't need them but knew what they were worth, jokingly I asked what he wanted for them and he said he had absolutely no use for them so make an offer, just for fun I said I,d give him!!!! you ready for this? 50 bucks for the complete setup with K/N filters, linkage, ect. to my surprise he said it was mine and he would also throw in the header he removed. Damn!! Makes my wrist hurt just thinking about how fast I was able to get my wallet out. I did have to kit them, plus replace a few linkage parts but I figured I could spend a few bucks and still come out on the deal