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General Discussion \ spark spark

General Discussion
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holcombe347   +1y
well tonight i cranked my motor over for the first time in 4 months since its been rebuilt. eveything has been hooked up the way i took it apart (i labled all the wires and vaccum lines) but when i went to fire the truck it wouldnt start. i disconnected the coil wire and let it crank until the oil pressure was built up, then hooked it back up and started to turn over. the timing light would not work. which means there isnt any spark. im not sure what it could be....i checked the wires leading to the coil and they seem to be fine no obvious problems. any help or suggestions would help me out. tomorrow i plan on going out there with a test light and testing all i can as far as the coil wires and ignition system goes. everything else on the truck electrical wiring works, all my dash, headlights, markers, etc.

the motor sounds strong cranking though, my new starter was really workin to turn it over...cant wait for this beast to be driveable, it just feels fast cranking. lol.
toyotaman89   +1y
make sure the leads on you coil aren't reversed!

Also... are you SURE its not sparking? i wouldnt rely on a timing light, id want to SEE it not spark.
holcombe347   +1y
leds on the coil reversed? there are two plugs that plug into each other.... those are hooked up right.

as far as checking for spark on the plug, i didnt check that out tonight. it was getting late so i just called it a night after that. i will be sure to check those tomorrow.

also, what do you think the possibilities of this are: when i relocated my battery to the bed i ran a positive wire up to my relocation terminal thing up front which works fine. as for the ground, i ran a piece of 4 ga. audio grade wire with gold O connectors from the battery to the frame propbably a 24" run to the frame from the battery. then up at the motor i ran a piece of 8 ga. from the frame to the block as well as another piece of 8 ga. from the frame to the body. and grounded it out that way. could it be possible that those grounds arent good enough? everything else in the truck works perfectly fine.... thanks for the help!
jeremycracker   +1y
dude this is probably going to sound entirely stupid but, the mount that your coil and ignition module mounts to has to be bolted down because that's how it gets its ground. I know this because when i was bagging mine i done it in my back yard and in the middle of relocating some shit under the hood i had to move the truck. so i zip tied everything that i needed out of the way and the truck would not start, NO SPARK!!!! so i broke out the ol' multimeter and checked to see if i had a faulty ground when i relocated my battery. And it was all good! About an hour and a half later (after checking all kinda fuckin grounds) if was that mount hanging there by a fucking zip tie.
johnny5   +1y
yea make sure you have it grounded good or like he said there will be no spark
holcombe347   +1y
oh i didnt know that, i thought it grounded through one of the plugs...but it is mounted to the truck's fenderwell. the engine bay has all fresh paint on it so when i mounted the coil there happened to be a threaded hole for a 10mm bolt to go in. so i put the coil there and bolted it down with one bolt. it might not be a good connection though (with the fresh paint and the spray painted bolt) so i will be sure to check that this afternoon as well.
johnny5   +1y
yea it needs to be bare metal lol
holcombe347   +1y
lol yeah, i thought it would have been alright because of the threads of the bolt were touching bare metal. i dunno, im about to go out there in a minute to see what i come up with.
holcombe347   +1y
well i ran a test light to check all the grounds....everything is grounded perfect. coil, body, and frame all checks out. my buddy is gonna come over tonight with some special testing stuff to find out if the coil is working or not and to check the coil wire itself. its either in the power to the coil or in the wire or the coil itself... i dunno, its weird everything else works perfectly fine. any other suggestions maybe?
nook   +1y
i dunno, its weird everything else works perfectly fine. any other suggestions maybe?[/quote]

It might be stupid but worth asking, besides checking the grounds, is the distributor plug plugged in at the distributor? is the rotor inside? is the contact button inside the cap that rides on the rotor there? is the distributor installed in time or out compared to #1 TDC? is the signal generator module adjusted correctly for air gap? is the module itself OK, can be easily checked with OHM meter. Good luck!!