well i guess i will post one..
before i started working on the damn truck, it had a system... well one weekend me and the wife left town for 2 days. When we came back we noticed that the whole back window had been taken out of the truck and was laying in the bed.. I said oh shit.. well, they stole the amp, the speakers/box, and tried to get the deck, but we all know how much of a pain in the ass those are to take out.. well they stole some bank info that the WIFE left in the glove box... so we cancelled all our bank shit and changed accounts.. a few days later we get a call from the bank saying someone tried to use the account # but since we closed that account they couldnt do it.. I guess the fuckers got busted too.. but we never got our shit back... Ive also had someone take a crowbar to the drivers side ext cab window.. ive since had all this fixed and the truck sits in the garage for the past 7 months.. lol