yeah bro its your vsv (vacuum switching valves)....that probaly has nothing to do with your problem.....................look elsewhere..if your getting no power anywhere ,double check all your grounds?could be as simple as battery cables?
they are on these L shaped brackets,side by side,,.they kinda look like solenoids with vacuum lines coming out of them........originally mounted on the fenderwell?i think?......pass. side
I dont have those 2 coming out of my fuse box. I have a heavy gause wire that goes to the bat.Then 2 harnesses one to the inside of the cab. and one to the left side of the truck
Go to Toyota and see if they have a mechanics book on the wiring for that year truck that you can look at. When I put a stereo in my mom's '96 Camry they still had one, it was only for the '96 Camry and it was about 130 pages long it had every single wire in that car in a diagram. If your lucky they will still have the book.