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Toyota Pickup Projects
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n2bnlow   +1y
Took the shell off for the bodydrop. My bed and cab had never been seperated before, because the walkthru was welded before it was notched/4-linked/and bagged, so there was alot of unfinished work under there. I had to cut everything off and re-bag and re-notch it to lay out on 19's. Re-bagged the front too. Tubbed the firewall, and inner fenders, relocated the battery into the bed floor, new bridge cover and bed lining. All new interior to come. Ass-end is done now, shell's back on. I'll through some pics up here as soon as I figure out how to make the files smaller.
lotoy86   +1y
man you can hardly tell in your lowlife feature kick ass on the body drop man that thing was sick before cant wait to see it after good luck on everything
northerntoy   +1y
this was my last toyota fourrunner 1985 39 inches tires is my first drop t
vegasyota94   +1y
nice blue
northerntoy   +1y
thank you it's my first drop and airbag mini
vegasyota94   +1y
got any pix of it laid out?
northerntoy   +1y
not yet my friend but soon i am in the process of doing the link for the back and waiting to receive my a arms this week to install baggs in front.
And I am the only drop toyota in the french province of Quebec in Canada.

I am trying to make a link forward that i would not have to move the tank .

Sorry if i miss spell stuff english is my seconde language <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->
vegasyota94   +1y
u frenchey
northerntoy   +1y
yep but i have family in the south born in Louisiana and Virginia mix cajun
vegasyota94   +1y
im just messing with you.. its cool...
get some pix when u can man..