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Toyota Pickup Projects \  stock flooring my 93

stock flooring my 93

Toyota Pickup Projects
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uselesstoy   +1y

think i could get away with adding the dimond to the ouside of the gussets already on there? that is alot of grinding to get those off. is it that big of a difference?
nigels_world   +1y
its fine the way it is. just some thing to think about doing next time.
uselesstoy   +1y
finally got the bottom of the cab done and undercoated on set on the frame.
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i also mocked up the front end
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vegasyota94   +1y
fuck yeah dude.. nice job.. that truck is looking killer.
twisted minis   +1y
That looks badass. You definitely need more than 1/2" drop on that motor though. I would seriously suggest 1" and just section the pan. If you jyst went to the pinch I think 1/2" would have worked.
uselesstoy   +1y
yeah, now im glad youve been busylol. is it hard to section the pan? any pointers? thanks for the comments.

does anybody still have their 2wd fenders on their bd truck?is it a bitch to keep them? there is room to work with but i dont think im turning very far when i am riding low.
twisted minis   +1y
I still have my 2WD fenders. I cant turn much dumped, but I don't like the way the 4WD fenders look. Plus it wouldnt give me much more turning abilities.

And, pan sectioning is so easy! Lol, not hard at all. If you got a mig you can do it easily. I'll tell you how I did mine.

I just cut off the last hump, and cut a piece of 18 guage sheetmetal to fit. When you cut it out, take your time. I made a template, then cut it out just a cunt hair to big. I then ground the edges until there was about 1/32 gap all round. Then I tacked it in place, and relocated the drain plug. I would suggest mounting the drain plug different than I did mine. Make an angled piece for it to weld onto. I cant empty mien completely unless I tilt the truck. Lol. And if you're worried about it leaking, clean the inside of the pan really well, and spread some JB weld on the seam. Don't weld on the inside of the pan because you wont ever get all the berries out, and they will hurt your motor badly. And make sure the JB is completely dry before putting the pan back in. Like let it sit overnight.

You may have to modify your front crossmember too. I don't have room for one, so I'm going to build one that bends around the back of the pan, and still unbolts.

If you think you want the 1" drop mounts, I have a set ready to go already, and I can ship them tomorrow morning. They would possibly show up Friday, guaranteed by Monday.
uselesstoy   +1y
going with the 1". thanks for the step by step.

i like how smooth and clean the 2wd fenders look.
twisted minis   +1y
They're packed up Ryan. Will ship first thing tomorrow morning. Theres stickers inside.
groundedwatts   +1y

this shit is insanely sick looking...i love it bro