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Toyota Pickup Projects \  post up your bike pic's

post up your bike pic's

Toyota Pickup Projects
views 5397
replies 31
following 12
twisted minis   +1y
Nope. I'll build some more trucks. And I'll build a car in my mid 20s. Only one car though, because cars suck.
chuck6899   +1y
what a shame
twisted minis   +1y
I'm done with bikes man. I'd love to build a fullsize someday, but I dont realistically see it happening because of the new CA laws one scratch built bikes.
vegasyota94   +1y
nice pix
twisted minis   +1y
I have better ones.
2damlo   +1y
thread post photo
i got a 2006 gsxr 750 got it a few months ago trying to sell it know for 8700 got 2300 miles on it my wife is pregnant and we are trying to get a bigger house so she said it had to go and my truck damn sure isnt going anywhere
rubber ducky   +1y
look out, watch what you say.
oldsklminitrk   +1y
lol I know hed divorce his wife before hed sell his truck....
rubber ducky   +1y
yea, i see that happening
2damlo   +1y
u two both know the truck isnt going anywhere she said if i sell the truck shes gone (so i still got an out if i have to) lol