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Toyota Pickup Projects \  Have you driven under a ford lately??

Have you driven under a ford lately??

Toyota Pickup Projects
views 7424
replies 38
following 16
laidout94toy   +1y
Here are a few examples from before of what Im talkin about.

Maybe Im taking this all wrong but it seems like every time I post something there is always a comment about, you need to lower your motor, or do this or do that. I dont give a shit what you want me to do.

I just wanted to post a couple pics and it seems like he wants to make my truck look shitty or im not doing something correctly.

Ive been minitruckin for 9 years now and I think I know what is out there as far as other minis and full sizes and its takin me a long time to get my truck this far and am no where near being finished with this truck.
How long has he been minitrucker?

If you guys disagree with that its fine with me. Im not trying to pic a fight with anyone, im just sick of this crap and listening to someone 10 years younger than me telling me what or what I should not do.
oldskewlyota   +1y
easy guy it will be ok. stop me if im wrong but everybody does that from time to time if u dont want constructive critisism or people telling u what to do with ur truck then dont post. i expect that. just take it with a grane of salt and grow the fuck up. who gives a fuck if someone said u shoud do something just say thank u for the idea and move the fuck on..... will someone please give this man a joint he is hurtin.
kdcgrohl   +1y
holy outburst. xanax man, xanax. ease up on the rage, you'll have more fun. thats experience talkin. This is one of the best boards i've ever been on cause there aint alot of hatin. 98 % of everything said is constructive or in jest, except for vegas. lol. hell i'm fairly new around here and everybody seems pretty cool to me.
toyotaman89   +1y
He (or anyone else) isnt telling ya what to do, Theyre called SUGGESTIONS! I have been doin this shit for ten years too, and id love to meet up with everyone on here- you can NEVER know everything, and you can learn something new from everyone... EASE UP!
oldskewlyota   +1y
ok i think he may have gotten the point by now.......lmfao.
oldsklminitrk   +1y
HA HA HA now I can say 16 years of Minitruckin under my belt....Its cool man none of us mean anything mean by it itc constructive critisim...Im just telling you what I see and then it might help spark a intrest if it doesnt move on....I am building my truck for me....granted I might take advice now and then but Im gonna do what Im gonna do....besides he gave ya props man....Hell I have learned from Seth and damn he could be my son....I have learned a little something from everyone.Relax man nobody here is starting any shit...Were all here for the yotas.....
oldskewlyota   +1y
ok now lets all hold hands and sing
kdcgrohl   +1y
Oh won't somebody please think of the yotas...
oldskewlyota   +1y
we can replace the word kumbya with that would work.
no1lowr   +1y
1st OFF: seth is a stand up guy, he is building his truck in his garage by himself, and has done a great job on it, i think that maybe him saying those things after you post is because he is proud of what he has done and wants to give you props and get some at the same time, or your just a douche that found a a coincidence, and im not one to talk shit either but man, i think you got the wrong idea. and maybe instead of commenting on a KID thats 10 yrs younger than you, comment on how that KID is serving your milk daily, i think you should apologize.