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Toyota Pickup Projects \  what ya think?

what ya think?

Toyota Pickup Projects
views 3629
replies 14
following 8
whynotfab   +1y
just a rough draft my boy is hookin up for me!

Thanks Eddie for the drawing! Lookin great so far!

Tell me what you think everyone!

itll continue around, have a drop down in the tribal again on the left of the tailgate, with my tag frenched at the top right, with a corner stickin above the gate.
baha   +1y
I like it man, good rendering!
almostnothing   +1y

I am so tired of crazy graphics that consume the entire truck.. yours is simple yet very effective. Good job man. So when are ya gonna make it happen? If you're like me then the answer is always " someday "
mullet   +1y
WOW that looks really good.. what color blue you planning to run? Would look awesome if you could run a ranger bumper on the front and carry the two tone without it sticking out. just my two pennies.
whynotfab   +1y
ill have to save up some cash.. gonna be a while, hopefully my new business kicks off a little better soon.
lotoy86   +1y
thats cool i like a two tone jobs
daweezi   +1y
two tone jobs IMO are the best types of paint jobs
no1lowr   +1y
hey man thats a nice hand drawing, if you want a digi render done ,i wont charge you.
whynotfab   +1y
damn man, thatd be sweet! it wasnt finished too, i was getting a phantom grille added.. definitely wanna save for one of them. whenever you got time let me know, id really appreciate it

oh also, for any of you who do bodywork and paint, what would be my best way to get that desired color from primer or sealer?
no1lowr   +1y
hey man, send me some pics to my email or post them up in here, the angle fo course that you want rendered, the bigger the better, as soon as you get em to me i will do the render for you, ight, let me know. and about the colored primer, you just get a white primer/base and buy a small amount of base coat on the color you want,then mix it together