Thanks for the props guys
Hey Donny
Um I know its from the states, but exactly where I am unsure off sorry. Try getting in contact with TDS in NZ As for the sender, thats a one off request to have it mounted. Its not reallt designed for the tank as a full tank only reads half on the guage, and empty on the guage is half
Gave it a good clean out the other day
Decided to rip the interior apart to see how its looking, nothing of cornern e.g rust but I didnt say no to finding $30 NZ and 5cents US <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8) -->
Thanks again guys
The old girl scrubbed up pretty well, mind the camo seat covers they are there as a temporary measure.
Came across another 82 being parted out, so I am going to snap up a few parts as spares