your stock tires at like 25.5 tall. If you plan on running 20's, just bag it on those. If you want 18's or something different than 20's look around and compare the overall height of your ideal tire and one you can buy to set up your truck and drive on those until you can afford your wheel/tire combo.
i dont plan on going with 20s so i was just gonna swing by the tire place and see if they had some smaller profile tires and just throw those on for now. mine are about 24.5 in in diameter
i officially hate fedex! theyre bastards. they have all my entire bag kit sitting in a truck and they wont ship it or let me pick it up because that part of fedex is closed. im pissed they suck just needed to vent. i dont know why they just didnt drop it off to my house when they were going from sac to stockton which is retarded because they had to pass through my town to get to stockton.. now i have to wait til monday.. not to long but when your waiting for parts its a lifetime away. and what makes it even worse i saw a fedex truck drive by my house and not stop what a punk haha
then this morning the fed ex guy came so you guys know what that means.. more parts hell ya. so i got a super lift 4-link, re-6 and re-7, airlift valves, 2 viair 380s, and a 7 gallon tank.. heres some pics