lol its kinda funny just before i read this post i went and bought a pack of ciggs i was niccin so bad i almost had to kill someone!!! i need help!!!!!!!
its day 2 and today is alot easier then yesterday... im drinking water like crazy, and i wanna sleep, but i cant cuz im watching my 9 month old son, and he is all over the place... caught him eatting the cat food a few hours ago..
I want to get a red and white Marlboro box to crush with my front valavnce at shows. I'll put it down thin ways and set the truck down on it. Mostly because back in the day cops measured the height of your ride by standing up a pack of cigarrettes. If you dould drive over it slow you passed. If not, ticket.
its kinda funny cause i almost became a cop but they said my driving record was too they dont like it when u do 109 in a 45 or 70 in a parking fukin pigs.