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General Discussion \  Got a little issue..

Got a little issue..

General Discussion
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replies 23
following 12
twisted minis   +1y
So this last Friday, as I'm leaving the Characters meeting, I got a text from Dave. He wanted to know where I'd gotten the relay for the bike. So I told him. Then I get another text asking for Everetts phone number (my buddy who helps out, does TIG and electrical stuff) and I told him I did not have permission to give out the number. So he calls me a few minutes later. The first words out of his mouth are this: "You built me this fucking piece of shit bike, and you can't even wire in a new fucking relay?" He was saying a bit more, but I inturupted with "Dave, if you're going to talk to me this way, you can find someone else to work on it" and hung up. I did not hear back from him until just now. I got some threatening text messages from him. The first was "I gave you a lot of money to make somethign that runs, and this thing fucking sucks. I was nice to you, and you were rude about it. I just want you to know, you fucked with the wrogn guy." The next said, word for word "Everywhere you go, when you leave yoru house, yoru school, the store, your girlfriends house, watch your back, because you fucked with the wrong guy. You won't get away with this one." I asked if that was a thread, and he said "No buddy, thats a Fucking promise. Have a good night."

About the not running, he brought it to me with a dead battery, and busted handle bars. He hit something (cracked powdercoat and sheared the bolts off that held them in) and he claimed it was my fault. He told em somethign was wrong because it wouldnt start, but the lights turned on. I explained why I thought it was the battery. I fixed the handle bars, which took abotu an hour to get the sheared bolts out and put new ones in. This time Grade 8. So it cost me about $6 in hardware, and an hours time. I told him I'd make it an even $30 for the work. He said it didnt start so he would not pay. I told him fine, but if he wants anythign done to it again he would have to pay me for this time, and an hours labor ahead of time before I touched it again. I didnt hear from him until last Friday, where this story begins.

So my issue. WTF do I do about this? This guy is threatening me, and he fights in the UFC. He beats peoples asses for a living. Honestly, I'm a little scared. He's bigger than me, and beats the hsit otu of peopel all the time. I feel I have reason to feel threatened. And I have no idea why he is so angry. I know I was rude on his last visit, but its because he would not pay me.. And I was a bit rude on occasions before due to tress and dealing with his crap, but I dont think it enough to make him want to cause me physical harm.

Is this grounds for a restraining order? I have proof that he threatened me on my phone now. Or is there something else I should do? I'm not sure he will actually act, but I dont really feel like riskign getting my ass beat by a professional fighter.
vegasyota94   +1y
call the law buddy..
when u sell ur next b ike u need to have people sign some shit showing that u warrenty this and this only,. and not if its 2nd dary damage..
or u can just fix this dudes shit this one time., and have him sign a receipt aka written agrement..
twisted minis   +1y
Well, I shouldnt have to really. I told him I'd fix whatever, but he'd have to pay me. This isnt a legitimate business, as far as the bikes go. I have a license to sell parts, but the bikes we still technically classify as an "I built it, this is my hobby, somebody bought it" type thing.
vegasyota94   +1y
u need to have a contract they sign so if this shit happens again u tell them to take u to court.
twisted minis   +1y
I'm not going to be doing another customer bike because of this. So no next time.
vegasyota94   +1y
bitch get online
chuck6899   +1y
1st i agree w/ Vegas, have this bully arrested. from what Rodney told me, you're 17, so techenically still a minor. you have enough evidence on your phone to put this guy a way for awhile. 2nd, dont gave up your dreams to build stuff for people because of one dumb ass jerk.
twisted minis   +1y
The police came ot my house last night to check out the situation. They told me there is no way to get him arrested, or get a restraining order unless he physically harms me.
oldsklminitrk   +1y
Hmmmm he fights in the UFC.......1 hes in the UFC....that means hes got a small dick ....why you say cause hes gotta make himself feel better by beating up other men.2 hes a closet homo.....why well he likes to get in a ring with another man all alone....that screams fag.3 I bet his girlfreind fucks anyone and everyone thats why hes pissed off......SO my solution to this is....dont worry about him....its a scare tactic...if you act like it scares you he sounds like someone who gets off on that.....just ignore the cocksucker...or hell tell him to call me.....Ill piss him off on the phone hell forget all about you Seth.
holcombe347   +1y
yeah seth i wouldnt worry about it too much....take a dump on the hood of his car...hahahaha. did you ever find out what was wrong with it why it wouldnt run?