i hate ignorant fucks that abuse perfectly good sheet metal.
lol, i hear ya tho, just cave his face in if you haight 'im that bad man, but the truck didnt do nothin to deserve the abuse. lol, have a beer, realize the truck is not your enemy, crack dude in the head with the empty "foty" bottle, and move on w/ your lyfe. shit. damn. fuck. insert random curse word here. i went thu the dude havin a mid-life-crisis in my club when i was a teen thing too man, he turned out to be a real douche bag, but fuck it, life goes on, the world still turns, and remember, there are some 30, 40, even older, real down ass mini truckers out there, and you'll hopefully be one eventually too, unless you buy a minivan or something, man i'm rambling, fuckin fortys. anyway, point is, NEVER HURT A MINITRUCK! oh won't someone please think of the children, er, uh, MINITRUCKS!