well i havent been on lately, since last month.. had some bad shit happen around here, and some good shit.. first was my wifes dad pasted away aug 19th from liver cancer.. he was a very good friend of mine, we got along way better then you think you could with a father in law.... camping, fishing, drinking, just getting fucked up together... then we had to do all the funeral shit.. then a good thing happened but was very stressfull.. we bought a house with a fucking garage!!! ( yota is torn the fuck apart in there) my kid busted his fucking face, had to goto hospital, and doctor like every other day.. my office moved ( i was a mover to help) and ive just been working my ass off lately.. but if i can ever stop playing this computer game (space cowboy) i will be on more.. i also bought meself a welder.. oh fuck yeah, no more waiting on my friend to bring his over.. i do the shit myself... ive been welding for the past 3 months and i got the hang of it.. well guys i will talk to u later on..
harmonic balancer