I've never done that,usually the only time you want to use sg-100(inter-coat clear) is when you want to spray a kandy or a pearl on a certain area.I would spray the truck white,after all your coats of white are done,let it tack/dry,run a tack rag over it,lay out your stripes with fineline tape,tape everything but stripes, tac rag stripes,spray all coats,un tape everything,tack rag again,clear,I have seen the tape pull the base coat off many a time,but usually this only happens when the base coat has poor adhesion to the primer/sealer,not clean,or mixing paint systems.stick with all house of kolor,sand well,keep everything clean,and use hi quality lo-tac tape,your paint supplier should be able to help you more than anything,as they've heard it all & are usually in the loop of the problems you could run into,tell them exactly what your doing and they should be able to spot a problem,if your wanting to mix systems which is where I usually see most problems.good luck & post pics