twisted minis
Well, I don't know for a fact about the torsions. But flipping the lowers is not problem. Just knock out the studs and replace them with Grade 8 5/16" bolts. You'll know the ones, they're gold anodized. Don't get metric. They come in Grade 8.8, which is equivelant to a Grade 5 SAE bolt. The Grade 8 bolts are pricey, but worth it in the long run. And, a lot of people flip balljoints with no problem. Also, if there was a problem with flipping the lowers due to weight, then it would be the same with the uppers. And a lot of upper balljoints come on the top of the arm. Also, Chevy puts all of their balljoints ont he top side fo the arm. So, if it comes from the factory there should be no problem. Period.