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Yota Lowering Yota Suspension Yota Tech
views 5231
replies 34
following 13
mulisharider11x   +1y
iim running smc valves. i personally think they are faster and have a sweet pop when u lift em up and maybe its just the sount but it feels faster than sum others. ide go with sum smcs or gc extremes...
holcombe347   +1y
if there isnt anything wrong with your valve now, honeslty if its not broken dont fix it. if they are sticking and screwin up then yeah replace them but if not dude, i would just keep them until they give up. save the money and put it into something else you'll need.
vegasyota94   +1y
i got slam bags, and smc valves... lol
coudlnt tell u how they are yet..
kdcgrohl   +1y
slam and smc here.
ocb_dave_ocb   +1y
i have airlift bags and valves.. i cant complain
no1lowr   +1y
firestone and gc450 for fill, smc for dump
krayla   +1y
runnin contis and 3/8 smcs w/ filters on my dumps. can't complain cuz its my first bag set up but it rides nice even w/ no shocks yet.
papa smurf   +1y
anybody had any problems with ptc fittings....i heard they suck in hot weather? any truth to that?
kdcgrohl   +1y

horse shit. get good ones. i like weatherhead best. smc is ok too.
holcombe347   +1y

i use compression fittings... its more time consuming but it makes a tighter seal and the chances of blowing a line or leaking air from fittings are less. the ptc's ive used, i had problems with leaks. some will argue that but i personally wont ever use ptc's unless im in a pinch. i carry some in the truck just incase i blow a line somewhere but thats all ill use them for.