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Yota Lowering \  recylce air?

recylce air?

Yota Lowering Yota Suspension Yota Tech
views 1976
replies 23
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assdragginsdime   +1y
dougs setup is pretty tits, but it requires an extra tank and alot of extra air hose. basically your dumps are routed thru check valves into a seperate tank, then that tank is routed back into the compressor. The problem is every compressor works different, so you have to know what pressure to regulate the air coming out of the recycle tank to the inlet of the compressor. He's suppsedly gonan be releasing it soon, its gonna be cheap and have everything setup plug and play.. He did allt he calclulations and with a nitrogen tank.. he calculated it out to last like a year or something rediculous like that. The first year he had it out, i seen his truck at carlisle, and i just sat there for an hour looking at all the air hoses.. it was crazy lookin.
kdcgrohl   +1y
last i heard he was not releasing it for electric compressors because the compressor manufacturers would not warranty any compressor this was done to. He was only doing a kit for engine driven compressors.
assdragginsdime   +1y
yeah, that makes sence.. i know he was running it on electric compressors tho.. i think he had a york, and 2 viair 480s with it, and his fill time was rediculous.