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Mini Truckin General \  RIP Matt (LiFeStYlE 4 LiFe)

RIP Matt (LiFeStYlE 4 LiFe)

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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/// xception   +1y
I talked to Tony (e10pvmt) and he said in the next couple of days the date will be set in stone and the place. I agree with Jason about everyone putting their differences aside and coming together to remember Matt.
samara   +1y
hey wally its samara i just want to see if i can get atleat about 15 of the stickers for my family, my mom and dad has thought of him as a son in law from day one and my sisters and their husbands have never thought of him as anything other than their brother and they all would love one to put on their cars in memory of him.. so if you can get in touch with me or Bill 321-303-1153... thank you from the bottom of my heart
Juicy   +1y
Originally posted by Matts Sis

This is from Matt's Mom. I just needed to thank each of you during the most difficult time of his Father's, mine, and his Sister's life. I know that you each knew him in a different way than we did, but I know how much you each loved him, and for that I am eternally grateful.To us Matt will always be our little boy. He grew up loved and supported by his family. When he grew into a young man and had a life of his own I never realized how many friends he had. No matter what happened out in the big bad world, he always knew that he would have a soft place to fall. He always knew that he could look at me with those big brown eyes and say "Mama" and get whatever he wanted.(Even at 2I don't think I ever realized how much he loved that truck. I hope each of you will fasten that seat belt in his memory everytime you get it. According to the authorities it would not have saved him, but it could save many of you and I'm sure that you could give up a little "coolness" for him, and he would certainly want that.I know that you will think of him often, but as time passes for you it will get better as you have your own families and move on.From a Mother's stand point, I know my heart will break forever, but I am eternally grateful for the time I had with him and for the gift of his Sister and Dad who are with me.God Bless you all.Love,Mom Klausing

Mom Klausing, I too am a mom to a daughter that is 18 months....I was very close with Matt as well....and cannot even begin to fathom what your feeling,..I want you to know...I have the deepest amount of respect for you,for being so strong for your family in this time of need...My prayers are with your family and especially you during this hard time and always! God Bless....and know God is taking care of our Matt!
Goober   +1y
il have info as soon as we get the space locked down so we dont get run out by the cops.... and ill have info on the after party to
gotair19   +1y
Edited: 8/10/2005 6:15:31 AM by gotair19

goober i will be there for this

hope you can get a spot
Waldog25   +1y
Hey Samara, I left you an IM.

As for posting a pic of the decals, I can, but I don't have the artwork on me right now. I am not home. I will try to do it tonight.

Goober   +1y
*bows at waldogs feet* you are the man ..
lilcutidt   +1y
Shaune and I have known Matt for a while. He was a great guy. Even though we didn't hang out with everyone anymore he would still call to invite us to come out. He always went out of his way to keep in touch and we will always remember him as a true friend. He was always smiling and made us smile everytime we were around him. We love and miss you Matt!
Waldog25   +1y
Edited: 8/10/2005 10:47:54 AM by Waldog25

Everyone, it turns out that Callie has a pic of it in her profile. This way people who have not gotten one, or have not got so see them yet, can.

But if you need a clean image for a collage or something I can post that up when I get home.

Bttm Drggr18   +1y
Edited: 8/10/2005 11:06:17 AM by Bttm Drggr18

I cant believe its already been a week now since all of this has happened wow time flies. i want to thank everyone that made it out last night to winghouse and then to the site for some draggin for matt. what an exhausting week it has been, it just never ends, anyways we have set date for the 20th for the cruise and we will have the after party at the trick shots on university i have already talked the the gm of that location all is good for us to be there. we are also looking into haveing a bonfire on the 27th for anyone interested in attending, just waiting on samara to ask her parents first then we will let you all know. R.I.P MJK 8-02-05 Always in our hearts, and our thoughts, u will never be forgotten. 4 LIFE "We ride together, we die together.""Were back like a bad penny""No logos, just family"