ok i was driveing my around doing about 30 and thin the back driver side air clynider snap at the threads .the car was all over the dam road.this has to be one of the scary things ever happen to me this suck asss and this was a eai 3.25"x4 with 1 1/4 hard shaft
am all most ready to sale it all dont know
what to do
ya it scared me very bad.ya your right theres to much tragedies going on right .i well never run can's agin .i moveing on to a mini truck dont know what kind but it well be one
i broke the driveshaft in my suburban about 50 miles outside of town, up in the mountians. my bud came with the trailer and the burb was like 2 ft too long for the trailer. we had to tie the like 6ft tailgate ramp to the back. so there!
I hope I don't have that happen I'm going to start my re-install of my X-airs all the way around this week. My next car is going to be a classic on juice there's too many problems with the new ones unless it's a truck.