jeebus @ mmw
Originally posted by ExplicitDesignz
Thats a sweet ass install. What did those Stinger batteries run ya Taylor?
the stingers were 400ea, and i got them custom filled from the singer corporation to be used in a hydraulic system, and they worked fukn great. BUT, the person that i sold the truck to must not have kept up on the charging because they went to shit on him, but instead of calling stinger and getting them replaced for free, he just threw them away. O yea, and then he tried to tell me that i was an idiot for using them because they are an audio only batter, and shouldn be used for, they worked great for me. And i dont know what the fuk that dude up thare is talkin about, but street chargers are the shit, and when you install them right, and auctually drive the vehicle the work great also.
but yes, reds does blow.