Originally posted by RockersRailnRoad
yo, my bad, sorry i took so long to reply... waht the funk is pebble pushers and how did it get on my profile... clubs are gay... and so is the name pebble pushers....
yo word up g homiedawg can i talk witchu fa a hot minute dizzle? Do you realize when you speak the way you do, you sound so ignorant and uneducated And #2, how can you not know of the club Pebble Pushers. Have you never picked up a truck magazine? Just about any truck mag, minitruckin, truckin, sport truck etc they have been featured in, not to mention the fact that they were minitruckin's club of the year. I am in no way associated with PP but it even offends me to hear you talk shit about them. They are a respected club with some top notch rides and you have no place talking about them. just my 2 cents. Fer shizzle