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Wheel Questions \  New Wheels

New Wheels

Wheel Questions Q & A
views 539
replies 23
following 11
tukin20s   +1y
Check out I just finish one design. Check it out and tell me Waht yall think. Its under custom wheels
TwisTedAlienEKS   +1y
There nice kinda high priced$$$ for new wheels and kinda look hard to polish if they arent chromed ......
tukin20s   +1y
Thanks chris the price is cheaper than anybody else. I will have them and other at dryoff show.
kleerance   +1y
Nice design...Is DIMA making those?
tukin20s   +1y
He is helping me get started on my Wheel Company. i GOT MORE TO COME.
TwisTedAlienEKS   +1y
u can make me some wheels for my caprice
tukin20s   +1y
What your e-mail address and I will send some design I am working on and tell What you think AND maybe there will be one that you like.
tukin20s   +1y
I will get them to after lunch.
tukin20s   +1y
chris r yall going to dryoff