--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by NRChopShop DO NOT USE A GEO BOOSTER....no offense to those are using them and dont give me that "well they work" crap. Becasue they dont work well enough. same with the Chevette booster. I dont know about you all but i like knowing i can stop and value my life and my truck too much to skimp on the brakes If you want to stop, go with hydroboost, the corvette, a street rod 8" DUAL DIAPHRAGHM booster or an 8" S-10 booster...GM code "JM5". the 8" S-10 booster even uses the stock master cylinder. you can pick one up from a junkyard for 30 bucks and it stops like a dream --------------------------------------------- Not to sure what you are talking about. I did a right hand drive conversion on my 96 and was basically trying to keep a stock look under the hood. I have no problem spending money on all these other systems but the metro booster is 6 3/4'' in diameter and it had no clearance issues. On the issue of not being able to stop, when installing the booster I actually received just as much if not more stopping power. The application works fine it is all about who installs it. Now I would not install a Geo booster in a fullsize, that just does not make sense. For those that are trying to cut cost and people are telling them that it does not work, there is a reason that someone tried it. It does work, but then again it is only my 2 cents