hmmmmm, well, I don't know a whole lot about the exact situation, but as a fellow relatively newbie, I'd like to chime in on this a little bit....
Honestly, DJ, you're 13. That means that even if you've been in the scene since you were old enough to do anything productive, it's been what....3 years? Maybe? Most likely less than that? You're bottom rung kiddo. For a couple of reasons....1 - you're very young...2 - you're new to the site (and probably the scene)....3 - you've most likely got a whole lot to learn still even if you already think you know a lot.
I mean, I don't know you from just about anyone else on here, but you say you've been on here for not a whole lot of time and you're already cussing out all the people on here? One thing you're going to need to learn, before you go any farther in life is that when you're new to ANYTHING, you need to suck it up and be humble about the whole situation. That pertains to work, school, car clubs, new friends, forums, ANYTHING. If you come on here as an arrogant ass, people are going to bring you down to size REAL quick.
Most of the guys on here have been in the scene since tri-stars and ground effects were "the mod", and some of them even before that. If you come on here butting heads with the senior people in the scene, you're setting up the entire field for failure. You should be using these people as mentors. These people are amazing, even if a few of them are mean, and they'll teach you more than you'll ever imagine if you just step back, shut your mouth, and listen. Learn.
And as for the senior members....we all need to teach our newbies how to build like a true pro. Why do you think that the import scene has so many ricers? It's because the senior people there are so caught up in their own B.S. that they don't even bother to teach the newcomers the right way to do things. I mean, almost every single mini-trucker, who is a TRUE MINI-TRUCKER, prides him or herself on helping out a buddy or a stranger so that they can build up their own project and help expand the field.
My advice to you DJ...make an apology, step back, calm down, and start digging through the B.S. to find the true mentors that will teach you. but they aren't going to do anything with your attitude the way it is...you need to realize that one day you WILL be senior enough to be able to do/say what you want, but until then, you're a small fish in a very very big pond.
All the best, and good luck.