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Body work and Paint \  Paint guns???

Paint guns???

Body work and Paint Q & A
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replies 31
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Ashton   +1y
Edited: 11/3/2005 6:59:01 AM by Ashton-SC

Edited: 11/3/2005 6:57:56 AM by Ashton-SC

I'm looking for a GOOD all around gun. I'm not going to be shooting anything major. (like body) I'm working on shooting my frame and fire wall. I know the basics of painting... but looking for a good all around paint gun!

any ideas?

Also HomeDepot has a Husky HVLP gun.

thank you for your help!
3day   +1y
Anest Iwata LPH 400 is the model i believe. Good all around gun in my opinion and its around $300 or so.
Ashton   +1y
Edited: 11/3/2005 7:34:31 AM by Ashton-SC

well i was not looking to spend that much on a paint gun! lol that to me is a little high end for what i'm looking for..
bdydrp18   +1y
if you want to buy a GOOD all around paint DON'T buy one at home depot. go to a paint store a buy one from them. the one that home depot and lowes sell are meant to paint your house not your ride. you can get a very good gun for a couple hundred buck and it well work a lot better then that one every well
crxdave   +1y
DeVelbis(spelling?) and SATA both make real good guns, the DeVelbis is probably more affordable though
S10sDimeAdozen   +1y
you can probably pick up a devilbis for around 2-300 bucks, it would be perfect for what your doing, a sata is gonna run you over 500 bucks though.
Ashton   +1y
when painting... what PSI are you useing?

any tips would be great!!

inomrthenudo   +1y
Well, I have used the home depot gun on some misc. parts and it came out fine, so for chassis work, and primer, it should be fine.
time1   +1y
get the one from home will work FINE. my buddy just shot some primer on his truck with the same gun...came out perfect.

about the air pressure...HVLP=high volume low pressure. that gun should come with a small regulator that goes on the gun. just ask the paint store you buy your primer/paint from what pressure you should set your gun at.
bodydropped85   +1y
more pressure = less wetter paint. the less pressure and slower you go, the thicker and wetter the paint will be. the regualtor is to adjust the psi of your gun depending on what you doin. if ur just shootin primer and maybe some single stage that gun would work fine.