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Wheel Questions \  --== Devious Titan - Billet Wheels - IM STILL WAITING ON MY SET ==--

--== Devious Titan - Billet Wheels - IM STILL WAITING ON MY SET ==--

Wheel Questions Q & A
views 908
replies 20
following 17
impounded dakota   +1y
Bonspeed not owning up to what they said? wow, that never happens, lol
KEG Media   +1y
its been about a year. id say time has allowed it. its bout time to take action about it and quit being jerked off bout it. i need some rims and tired of gettin stroked and waitin.
firmlygrounded   +1y
I`m just throwing in my I agree with Robbie. If it has been a year then they have had more than enough time to honor their end of the bargain. That is just messed up.

Low_SST   +1y
I knew that was kinda fucked when the contest was goin on. It was a good ideal but it was this that made it sketchy

By entering this contest you hereby authorize Street Source Magazine, and anyone acting under the authority of permission of said company, to make and copyright designs of rendered wheels and or vehicles, and to use or distribute together or separately.

Because its not like they made just the winners wheels...they went out and made a bunch of them and they have sold them before actually giving anything including artistinc credit to the creator. I would be fucken bullshit if the wheels that i designed and made and i was supposed to recieve were already rolling around on someone elses vehicle. I think it would only be fair if ssm paid for the wheels so they could get a set and then devious can pay back ssm once they get around to it.
impulse   +1y
At this point i doubt they've sold enuff wheels for you to benefit for suing them for a royalty on those of which have sold. I would talk to a lawyer or something and see how much your fight will hold up.

I agree you've been ripped off and I wouldn't put up with that sh!t.
crochface   +1y
i think the most confusing part is the fact that this is going through a few people.
i dont know who to be mad at.
ssm threw the contest and devious gives the wheel.
i dont know who is having the miss comunication here.
but as BIG JOE put it SSM should pay up even if devious isnt ready because its not our fault that things arent going as planned.
and then when devious is ready they can pay back ssm.
that is how any buisness would do things.
sectioned88   +1y
Talk about shady...
dubrocker04   +1y
it's a load of bullshit. seems like through all the different routes taken to actually produce the wheels the "agreement" gets thrown out the window and the people designing the wheels get fucked.

props to devious for picking up on the deal and cutting the wheels. however, they knew about the free wheels for nick and the 500 dollars for the other guys, they should have honored that as well... BEFORE cutting any customer wheels. hopefully garrick will clear things up without being vague or shady or any of that- all it takes is one solid line of truth to put things to rest and be done.
STUD1Y   +1y
imagine that...

SSM being shaddy?

they can't mail out a 9 dollar tshirt, what makes you think they can come though on a 2,000 dollar set of rims?

9 dollar shirt takes 10 months so that's like what? a dollar month?

So estimate about 2,000 months for shipping!
GarrickArends   +1y
Spoke with them in person about all the contest wheels while at SEMA. These will be a priority to get taken care of.