Nuts and Bolts - Todd Hendrix

guilty by design

guilty by design

Published on Jun 16, 2015

Name: Todd "Radar" Hendrix
Location: Spring, TX
Age: 41

How long have you been into building trucks?

For about 25 years now.

What got you started in trucking?

I've always loved cars and trucks as a kid. When I was 13-14 years old I was into VW's and while I was at the magazine stand looking for VW mags, I saw a Mini Truckin magazine and thought how cool all the trucks were and how they seemed similar to the custom VWs I was into. I started so see them at local car shows my parents would take me to and after seeing so many of them I knew I had to have one.

First truck?

My first truck was a 1992 Isuzu Spacecab, bagged, body dropped and shaved. Was on the cover of Mini Truckin' magazine in 1999 or 2000 (I can't remember).

Current Project?

2000 Toyota 4 Runner

If you could have one of your trucks back which would it be?

Definitely my Spacecab. I had so much time and money in that truck. Not to mention the friends I met and all the good times in it.

Favorite truck built by someone else?

Favorite from years ago would have to be Pat Nicholl's Toyota, Ballistic. Present time I'd have to say Pascal Barone's Ranger.

Tell us about the film you've been working on.

The West Coast Influence is a film I've had an idea to do for a few years. I wanted to show where mini trucks came from and where they are headed, The people who are involved and who made it what it is today, and hopefully tell a good story. It has taken about 13 months to organize, film and edit everything, so considering the time frame we did it in I think we have a pretty good product.

What's your best/worst days in all of your travels?

Best days are when we go to SEMA or a drive to a show taking a couple of days off of work to do so. No real bad days when we're traveling to shows!

What do you do every day from 9-5?

I've been working in a family business for about 22 years. I went to work for my dad after high school with the thought that I could get off when I wanted so I could go to shows LOL. We have 2 companies, one is a service company that works on warehouse and transport refrigeration systems, the other we rent refrigerated trailers.

How much time and effort goes into throwing a show like LST?

LST is a year long job. We do take a month or so off to catch our breath, reflect on the show and talk about where we need to make improvements at, but for the most part if we're not physically working on something for the show, we are probably thinking about it

What odd hobby do you have that people may be surprised at?

Sadly, I really don't have any other hobbies!

Who do you go home to at night?

I go home to my wife and our 3 spoiled rotten dogs.

Favorite show?

My favorite show lately has been Last Resort in Jennings Louisiana. The park, the weather and the night life of that show is a blast. The Cajun food also helps in making my decision.

Who would you like to see interviewed next for Nuts and Bolts?

I think Pascal Barone would be a good interview!

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