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Mini Truckin General \  RENDERINGS


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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KEG Media   +1y
Originally posted by slammedcavvy

^^ ILL LET U DO ONE OF MY TRUCK it only took u one post to sell nick down the river.

KEG Media   +1y
Originally posted by BabyYouWish

Hey guys, I know I'm not as well known as GD or KEG but my company, Downtime Designs also does renderings on the side. It is not our main emphasis but we enjoy doing them and do not charge nearly as much as the big names. Also our renderings do not all look similar as I have noted with the bigger name companies. The backgrounds usually are similar and all have "the reflection"

However if I did not know how to do them, I would without a doubt go with Nick from Surface. His art is is definatley top-notch.

post some of ur work homie. i searched but couldn't find ur site Most renderings have a reflection because we know how to do a reflection and it gives the rendering more depth.

KEG Media   +1y
Originally posted by warped

Here's the woody i did bout a year ago for "that" wheel contest.

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KEEF   +1y
to KEG FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BAD_INC   +1y
Robbie at KEG did mine because he is the man . I also dont like renderings that look like the cars steer with the rear wheels like a forklift. But thats just me

DougyFrisch   +1y
Originally posted by Low00Sierra

Edited: 11/28/2005 4:16:22 PM by Low00Sierra

Originally posted by Forever Draggin

Edited: 11/28/2005 4:00:34 PM by Forever Draggin

wheres the rest of the bed????

You tell me, cause i was wondering the same thing. after i cut it out i noticed it also, it looked like it was missing, so when i went back, sure enough. u couldn't see the bed. i don't know if it was just that odd angle or what, but that's the way it was and it wasn't some modified image. it was the Ford sittin at a construction zone... so when you find out, please let me know

here are some others for some eye candy

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GarrickArends   +1y
It all depends on what you are looking for as each artist has their own style. I needed something clean and choose Robbie to do mine and I was very happy with it. Also had a hand drawn one done from a guy here locally but getting in touch with him now a days is near impossible. Jon from KEG also did the rendering for the SSM black shirt.

sonoma94   +1y
figured it was about time i added somthing to this thread

HotRodDime   +1y
Nick Crouch over at Surface Art is an amazing artist... he has vision and the ability to produce on deadlines so he's done a lot of work for me lately (including the cover of the Feb. issue and the cover of the '06 MT Calendar!)

There's also a lot of talent on this site for both digital and hand drawns so it depends on what you
scortboy   +1y
I gotta give my props to Jon. He did a great job on mine, especially when there wasn't a whole lot to go off of since this wasn't a production vehicle. I've always been a fan of the hand drawn rendeings. I was sold when I saw the work he did on Fletcher's Dually and now on there "Shop truck" Thanks again Jon.

See the Sig \/