Edited: 5/14/2006 6:25:42 PM by onehot69stepside
Edited: 5/14/2006 6:22:17 PM by onehot69stepside
the thing is, "ghetto" isnt constructive critisicm, "you need to clean it up a bit, maybe paint up your core support, chrome or powder coat your hinge setup" is constructive criticism. He's puting me in a class that im not.
And maybe i was trying to inspire you guys build some shit rather than buy them.
And straight up, for my first build at 21yrs of age, I think im doin very well. Ive built tubular arms, put a r & p on it, and the damn thing hasnt left me stranded yet.
And since when Are BMW style hinges ghetto? And i beleive he did say... nice hinges, but what setup is there to call ghetto - all he can see is the hinge and the top of the engine. wtf?