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Mini Truckin General \  Fuckin old people!

Fuckin old people!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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my accord got total'd by an 89 year old guy !! so i feel your pain ..
NorthwestRides   +1y
The one thing I've learned growing up in a cop family is to give respect, even when you want to kill someone. Flippin out on them lets them use you as an example, which is fucked, and I've been there too many times. Seriously though, old people are insane
yomuchocars   +1y
isnt florida a no fault state though?
post photo
bodydropped   +1y
sht i was at a dead stop because i was turin into a school and the construction worker stopped me and the other side of traffic well next thing i know im gettin rear ended by an old man shit it he me so hard it shut my truck off, moved my dash my radio fell out my battery moved and un plugged my amp wire well i had witness sayin i was at a stop the guy never hit his brakes but cop gave him a tickeet and well after the report he said it was my fault that he saw me then looked off to the side and then i was stopped but police report over rules his sayin
kboring   +1y
That sux man, I had something very similar hapen to me, but it was the DA's nephew that rearended me...

Originally posted by bodydropped

sht i was at a dead stop because i was turin into a school and the construction worker stopped me and the other side of traffic well next thing i know im gettin rear ended by an old man shit it he me so hard it shut my truck off, moved my dash my radio fell out my battery moved and un plugged my amp wire well i had witness sayin i was at a stop the guy never hit his brakes but cop gave him a tickeet and well after the report he said it was my fault that he saw me then looked off to the side and then i was stopped but police report over rules his sayin

Originally posted by truck action

Edited: 5/25/2006 9:04:44 AM by truck action

Not all us old fucks are blind & drive bad, I just turned 60 & drive a Mini Truck daily!!Remember, you too will be an old fuck some day!!Hope you get your ride fixed!

1 LoWfUKn RaM   +1y
40-60 years are not old u mofos are excluded ahah he ment 70+ lol
SuperCharged6MT   +1y
FL is a no fault state, unless there are witnesses that decide to stay on scene and give a statement, you are responsible for your own damages.

I really don't think there was a need to get all out of control, people make mistakes, the dude was old, probably couldn't see, you'll be there someday...
ShakinPlates   +1y
old drivers are the werst on the road. Their reaction/response times can sometimes be as bad as a drunks which is bad news. I can almost always spot them out when I drive.