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Mini Truckin General \  Fuckin old people!

Fuckin old people!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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granth   +1y
Originally posted by SuperCharged6MT

the dude was old, probably couldn't see

then why the FUCK! was he driving.
idrgbdy   +1y
if you need viagra or you are retired, you are old enough to have to take a driver's test again. i like the people that ride the brake all day. lol.
Sprk Sho   +1y
Good luck ales you know its been a year and a half since my accident and i still haven't drove the bitch, but why didn't you just flash the turtle neck, he probably would have swerved.
DBLT8K   +1y
i agree with everyone else in saying it seemed like the cops saw both people and knew what they were going to do before they heard stories, also i agree in not blowing up cause that makes you look like an ass right off the bat
SuperCharged6MT   +1y
Originally posted by framedragger

Originally posted by SuperCharged6MT

the dude was old, probably couldn't see

then why the FUCK! was he driving.

Your guess is as good as mine bro.. If I had it my way I would make it mandatory for seniors to be retested yearly after 65 years of age...
NoMotiv 1500   +1y
I hate that shit, I feel that since you have to be 16 to get a license, you should also have an age that it is taken away. OR a age that they start testing you yearly for your reaction and eyes. So if your a good old driver then you can continue, if you suck then its taken away. Because you are older doesn
FrameLayN88   +1y
Just about every time you are hit by an old person. It is always your F##### Fault.

I don't care if that crap was on camra. Then they are a D!(# when they see you are in a mini truck & they will start writing you tickets for every thing.

If I got screwed over like that I would have swung on the both of them. The way this f*****G world turns is B*S*!

If I was in your shoes I would have done something.
If the persone was 6-80 then it would have been time for a good old fashion beaten. Yes you are reading that right 6-80 years old.
2dxmazda   +1y
FLORIDA A NO FAULT STATE. florida is a no fault state but that only pertains to injuries from an accident. the no fault law has no bearing on property damage in an accident.

here is an idea for you to try it does work believe it or not. Post a sign at the intersection of the accident asking for whoever may have witness the accident to please call and leave a phone #. you will be surprised at the # of people who will call because it is not taking up much of their time...all you need to do is get their name and a contact # and you can have the police department rewrite the accident report with the witnesses. the police will have to go to their house and take a record statement.

ADVISE from your local INSURANCE Man and A MINI TRUCKER.

good luck
holcombe347   +1y
Edited: 5/25/2006 2:43:28 PM by HOLCOMBE347

its alright man...i got my truck back out of the shop from getting bagged on a friday night last year and was going to detail it on saturday morning so i could enter it in the ludakris 2005 show in socal on sunday...i woke up to a crash and my alarm going off saturday morning so i get up run out into the driveway in my underwear to find my step mothers truck sitting on my hood and fender. luckily i found a corner marker and bent most of it striaght again but it dented and chipped the paint kinda bad. i still went to the show though the next day...pissed, but i good luck finxing your ride   +1y
i feel your pain my little brother got hit by a78 year old guy who ran a stop sign. its been two years now and my brother is still tryin to get a settlement out of that oooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllld piece of lyin shit. oh my bro was 16 and whwn it happened and he has to live the rest of his life with a fucked up back